5 Of My Favorite Women Human Rights Activists for International Women’s Day
“To push for peace is ultimately a personal sacrifice, for leadership is not easy. It is born of a passion, and it is a commitment.”
“To push for peace is ultimately a personal sacrifice, for leadership is not easy. It is born of a passion, and it is a commitment.”
I have 23 words for you.
This is really important.
When the water is turquoise and the sun is out and the coastline is spectacular, politics don’t seem necessary.
Romney kind of won some things, but not enough things that we can really say he “won a thing.”
We can give the world this gift together, y’know.
“It’s the Peter Pan of cities.”
Have you had your daily dose of video-game-music inspired covers of songs by Tegan and Sara and The Cure? Here you go.
When I heard that President Obama would be speaking at my school, Barnard, and not at his Alma Mater across the street, I knew that outrage would ensue. And it has.
“Teachers may affirm the dignity and self-worth of students and any protected characteristics of students, such as being LGBT, without running afoul of any district policy.”
Alex’s Team Pick: I’d like to bring your attention to a project that you may want to support the existence of — Feminist Playing Cards! The deck will feature custom illustrations of 52 feminist musicians drawn by 14 feminist artists.
In which Rush Limbaugh is just as wrong as one could possibly be.
“Well, I’m the mayor of Houston first, but I’m still a lesbian. And I care.”
Intern Grace’s Team Pick: If you like bouncy ukulele music and feelings, it is possible that you will love this album so much you want to take it on a pizza date and let it order as many toppings as it wants.
“I’m getting him some new books. The Old Testament simply can’t be expected to explain everything.” #noh8 (Also: Kirk Cameron responds, plays the victim, surprise)
Queer comic artist Kate Leth (of Kate or Die! fame) talks about drawing, women, drawing women, and why filthy comics are the most fun. Also, she made a sexy drawing just for you!
“Neutral Soymilk Hotel.”
The AP tracked down Barack Obama’s former nanny and found her living in the slums of Jakarta where she presents as male to avoid being killed, abused or beaten.
Maybe we’ve finally reached the point where there’s no turning back on the road towards marriage equality.
Kristin Chenoweth is on the TV show “GCB,” which means I have an excuse to talk about her.