“The Crowded Room” Blurs the Lines of Queerness
When we first meet Arianna, played by Sasha Lane, she seems like nothing more than Danny’s bold and bisexual bestie.
When we first meet Arianna, played by Sasha Lane, she seems like nothing more than Danny’s bold and bisexual bestie.
“Because that’s when they get you, that’s
when they getcha.”
“In bed!”
Also, it appears Archie Andrews is canonically bisexual! RIVERDALE IS THE GAY AGENDA.
It’s Valentine’s Day and Miranda’s got a date! Also Aidan Fuckin’ Shaw is back. >:(
Also, more tributes to Sinead O’Connor, Disability Pride Month reads, and more.
One of the things about not having spent significant time being single is that my friends have often been tangled up with partners.
“I’m not a pop star. I’m just a troubled soul who needs to scream into mikes now and then.”
I really love a road trip comedy, especially one with rock solid storytelling.
I’m always saying every Wes Anderson movie would be better with a heaping scoop of lesbian chaos on top.
An Indigenous lesbian superhero, Greta Gerwig knew Kate McKinnon was destined for greatness, and more!
Also, Jenna Lyons is taking her assignment as new Housewife very seriously.
It’s time to gather all the queer and lesbian actors, musicians, models and athletes and determine once and for all whomst amongst us is the tallest!!!!
The Hoochie Daddies know how to drum up fights and drama for the camera, but also there’s a genuine, unflappable eagerness and sincerity about making a reality show that’s just for us.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’d prefer no lesbians in a movie to lesbians who only exist as stereotypes.
A timeline smash for the ages! Beckett Mariner and Christine Chapel on the same ship!
Also, tales from a 1990s lesbian club promoter, the queer teen feelings boygenius stirs in fans, and more.
Straight women simply looooove asking us when we knew we were gay.
How can I build meaningful and lasting friendships?
Insights from a non-carrying toddler mom, because I don’t think they make a two-moms edition of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”.
The initial lineup was released today and it looks to be another strong year with a mix of celebrated titles from previous festivals and new premieres.