Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls: Role Models, Riot Grrrls and Revolutions
“I wanted this camp to turn me into a rock star.”
“I wanted this camp to turn me into a rock star.”
Lizz’s Team Pick: Rachel Maddow drops some serious knowledge about gender based wage inequality in basically the most amazing video ever. It gets real.
Could we get much higher?
Rep. Zach Wyatt of Missouri came out as a “proud gay man” on the floor of the House.
The gay foreign policy spokesman Romney hired tolerated about two weeks of B.S. before jumping ship — yep, it’s gotten that bad over there.
Chester French has a thing for black girls and you have a thing for women so this video might make you think thoughts with your brain.
“If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you are not hungry.”
Five colleges, two cities, lots of queers.
North Carolina’s anti-gay Amendment 1 looks like it might succeed.
This year, like every year, we’re doing things a little differently. So ladies, hop on in and vote for who you think are the hottest queer women in the entire world!
This is where I’d tell you exciting things about the teaser and cast for Season 3 of The Real L Word, if there were any. I had frozen pizza for lunch!
Once upon a time, Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts, and he wasn’t quite as anti-gay as conservatives might like.
Jade likes Just Dance, reading and eating tacos! Also, she’s blazing hot. Happy May!
The California state Senate has a bill advancing that would require ex-gay therapists to get signed consent forms that acknowledge that ex-gay therapy is harmful and useless.
From April 26th ’til April 29th, 163 of you and 35 of us went to the mountains for a weekend of kickass fun and transformation. LET’S TALK ABOUT IT.
“Minority youths are really just more violent than white ones. Seriously, you can’t argue with the news.”
Get the hell outta Dodge.
Quesadillas: The food so nice, Hannah Hart made it twice! That’s a lie, she only made it once, but there are two videos about it, so. Here we are.
Things get really intense in Episode Two of Lip Service Season Two. Didn’t this show used to be fizzy and fun?