Lip Service Season 2: New Trailer Reinforces Fact That It’s Finally Happening
Lip Service Season Two, as you probably know by now, is a thing and it’s a thing that’ll be on your television in like two weeks. We have videos and pictures!
Lip Service Season Two, as you probably know by now, is a thing and it’s a thing that’ll be on your television in like two weeks. We have videos and pictures!
“For all this concern about how I damage people, where is the damage?… don’t you think there’d be a busload of people who are damaged?” Yes.
And its critics are madder than a wet hen.
In which I interview Valerie Weiss about her new film, Losing Control, and bringing women in science to the masses.
Some people will tell you to just slap some sauce on a whole piece of matzo and stick it in the microwave. Some people would be wrong.
“I don’t remember the names of most of the people I met that week. Except for his: Tuck.”
Here’s another show with the word ‘girl’ in the title which is an unfortunate coicidence rather than an indication of how good this show is.
When the revolution comes, you’ll need to know how to set stuff ablaze! Also, you’ll want S’mores.
Reports of a house falling on him, however, appear to have been exaggerated.
Celebrating the women’s magazines that keep pumping out smart, innovative and well-designed stuff against all odds. US Weekly is not on this list.
Megan Rapinoe plays soccer and has excellent hair. It is likely that you will appreciate her for these and other reasons.
“I would’ve cried if someone hadn’t started singing, and then someone else joined in.”
Much to no one’s surprise.
The announcement of the first-ever LGBT Pride Month White House Champions of Change Contest is one of many recent events suggesting Obama is on our side for real now.
“Power and privilege is about who gets to speak and who is listened to.”
Manhattan is a very good place to be a girl who likes girls.
I had to have this talk with you/my happiness depends on you.
The one where Scarlet and Alex go to the lesbian book club.
“Well guys, we’ve made it to the end of the summer in one piece, except for a few campers who are lepers.”
Asian stereotypes are everywhere. Let’s talk about them, yell about them and do something about them.