The Newtown Girls Interview And Season Finale
Australian actors Renee Lim (Alex) and Debra Ades (Scarlet) open up about their experiences shooting The Newtown Girls. Also, watch the season finale!
Australian actors Renee Lim (Alex) and Debra Ades (Scarlet) open up about their experiences shooting The Newtown Girls. Also, watch the season finale!
When Joanna Johnson’s character on “Bold and the Beautiful” came out, it seemed like a good time for Joanna Johnson herself to come out. So she did! Today!
Maybe young people aren’t going to be the saviors of the campaign for equal rights for gays.
We’ve got the scoop on Glee’s Season Four plans and it sounds pretty crazy. Plus, who’s returning for another year of this hot hot mess?
Here’s a league of talented female MCs who deserve your attention.
Day Three’s activities included the sex panel, the talent show, the queer women of color panel, the picking up chicks workshop, ‘zine-making, the dance and SO MUCH MORE!
“What you may not have heard is that in this tiny little city of about 270,000, there are by my count, 70,000 lesbians. At least.”
Because rice noodles are nice noodles.
Are there really only 2 episodes left in the series 2? But it’s just starting to get good again!
Let’s party. Then let’s cry.
This week on NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday: historical gayness, porn, and non-monogamy.
Keaton Fuller is graduating happy, Obama’s sailing in a pool of gay money, and also PHOTOBOMBING ANIMALS.
Not to be confused with “butch baby,” which is also a wonderful thing.
In high school Mitt Romney and his friends jumped some kid and forcibly cut off all his hair while he screamed and cried. Romney thinks this is mostly NBD.
On the first full day of A-Camp, we pressed flowers, talked about gender, played basketball, cabin-bombed and super-soaked.
This week’s topics include Mitt Romney being a jerk, tornadoes, the history of telephones, the psychology of fraud, writing in the dark, paying your way into restaurants and so much more!
This week on Glee, Finn nailed himself to the cross and everybody wore really pretty dresses.
Have I told you lately that I love you? All of you? Because I do.
Carmen’s Team Pick: Advanced Style proves that with great age comes great style.
Football coach Ron Brown doesn’t think that LGBT people have the right to be protected under the law, but don’t worry, he’ll treat you the same as everyone else!