“The Bold Type” Episode 203 Recap: The Evolution of Jane
Season two has figured out what to do with Jane, but it would be cool if it could also figure out what to do with Adena.
Season two has figured out what to do with Jane, but it would be cool if it could also figure out what to do with Adena.
The Season Three finale had the one thing Supergirl always did best but has been missing for a while: Hope.
It’s not perfect, and last week’s episode on Kat’s identity really missed the mark, but there’s a lot to love about this queer, feminist show.
“There are so many baby queers who depend on us to give them representation,” they said. “There’s so much in this world telling you to be something different and that’s so detrimental. I’d rather have kids see something and go, ‘It’s okay to be me.'”
“Rose Colored Glasses” bites off way more than it can chew.
One episode left, friends. I have no doubt Supergirl will save the world, but who will save Supergirl?
It’s Vida’s season finale, but already I want more. We need more of this thoughtful, gut wrenching, unapologetic, queer, brown show in our lives.
What if kissing instead of stabbing?
Ofc there’s one final telepathic orgy.
Plus updates on Queen Sugar, Into the Badlands, Westworld, Imposters, and Mi Familia Perfecta!
Emotional honesty is sexy.
“Honestly, I never really get cast as a lead. When they offered me the role, I was like, are you sure?”
Pose is one of the most joyful shows on television right now, full of tenderness and heart. And it stars trans women of color! What more could you want?
Where’d our hero go?
“Emma’s grief; her inherited, internalized homophobia; and her sexual frustrations — they are all tangled together. And that’s real, because in life how can you tell? Where does one pain stop and another begin? There’s no easy box to check or line to draw.”
Here are the queer lady ships that made us/destroyed us; what are yours?
Plus updates on Queen Sugar, Legion, and Imposters
CLAIREvoyant is a feministy, queer webseries about two best friends and their adventures in life, dating, and finding out your psychic powers kicked in on your 25th birthday.
Alex’s life is in danger, Reign is getting stronger, and Kara runs into someone from her past.
The first season of Killing Eve, a classic love story between a long-haired butch assassin and her raven-haired married object d’amour came to its thrilling conclusion last night, offering itself as the year’s most authentic depiction of lesbian love in 2018. Please, come inside where I will make my case.