Sunday Funday Is Even More Confident About Gay Marriage Than Usual
I think it might be wedding season.
I think it might be wedding season.
Time to announce the winners of our A-Camp Campership Raffle, a raffle inspired by your supreme ability to get us past the $80k mark in our big amazing awesome fundraiser!
“Anthropy proves to us that video games can tell our stories as queer and trans* women. They can vent our frustrations in ways other people can experience. They can help us to communicate the things we go through in an unprecedented, interactive way.”
Ali’s Team Pick: Because, Mr. President, you know who else loves politics and home brewed beer? Queer ladies.
School is in session, get your chin off your desk.
Happy fucking birthday Kaki King!
Basically, the Republican party has nailed down social conservatism from 1950, and plans to fuck all of us over. Thanks, guys!
“The debate between Savage and Brown, at its core, was really just a fight over whether or not gay people can be deemed appropriate or special enough in the eyes of people like Brown to be permitted in the institution of marriage.”
What to get the queer who has everything. Or what to get yourself because hey, you deserve a present today.
Topics include education, how reported rapes are (mis)handled in DC, reality TV, psychosis, mansplaining, TED, hate crimes and so many other things!
“Ward is a singer-songwriter from Monroe, Georgia. She has hair like Lissie and a wardrobe rivaling Idgie Threadgoode’s. Most importantly, she has more husk in her voice than a stalk of corn.”
CEDAW–the international beacon for women’s rights–does not shine on lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people in Indonesia. This is a painful disappointment, given LBT people’s need for protection from a fundamentalist backlash.
We made it to 80k! That means you can request gifs from Brianna’s brilliant straddle-gifs tumblr AND we’re raffling off two camperships for September for anyone looking for a last-minute vaycay!
“Brought to you by my love for athletic women, here’s a list of sporty women to watch out for.”
Midwestern 18-24 year olds don’t watch Glee. Does that mean they hate all queers or just Ryan Murphy?
“I feel like once you open your mind and your heart to one type of revolutionary thinking, you’re able to open your mind and heart to other things as well.”
If heaven is a place on earth, all of the girls there are queer, covered in glitter and have lilting accents.
Songs for breaking away from your family, finding your independence, and heading off to a new and better life.
The River and the Mountain, by British playwright Beau Hopkins, might be the most dangerous play in town. Because that town is Kampala, Uganda, and this play is about a gay person.
Police have determined that the 33-year-old lesbian who claimed she was attacked in an anti-gay hate crime made the whole thing up.