Top Six Tumblrs Featuring Butches Doing Things
This is what the inside of my heart looks like.
This is what the inside of my heart looks like.
Judge Robert Simpson ruled that “authorities had not done enough to ensure that potential voters had access to the new documents.”
Music for a real or virtual bunk bed situation.
Brunch, beer and a three-day-long Pride? Yes please.
Who needs fall foliage and pumpkin spice lattes when you’ve got KP and Michelle? Happy October!
Yes, it’s good for there to be a safe refuge where gay students can learn and thrive in safety, but the goal should be to create this kind of safe environment in mainstream schools.
Only 48 hours until the premiere of Season 2!
This week on Glee, everybody sang especially loud and Carrie Bradshaw did Lea Michele’s hair!
And thus we begin our journey to making scarves with minimal effort or knowledge of sewing skills.
“This slightly labelphobic queer went into The Femme Show full of unaddressed preconceived notions about the word, and left with a brand new appreciation for it.”
A decade before Rosie, Rockwell was painting the girls who were destined to become riveters.
The first ladies of jazz, the original divas, the empresses of song. One hour of queenly music.
Michelle Kosilek is a trans woman who needs gender reassignment surgery. She’s also an inmate serving a life sentence since 1990 for the murder of her wife, Cheryl.
This week on NSFW Sunday: edgeplay, seasonal sex, lesbian romance, and clits of steel.
This week football gets sassy, the US gets a whole lot gayer, and Canada remains amazing.
Barney Frank is the latest and greatest oral historian for the Mitt Gets Worse project.
This week was crazy! And you all were hilarious.
Gabrielle’s Team Pick: This party looks awesome.
Ali’s Team Pick: Democrats who vote like Sierra Nevada and Microbrews, and apparently my love of Blue Moon makes me a Republican.
Get ready to face-palm.