Playlist: Our A-Camp Listening Party Choices
A listening party for two. Or two hundred.
A listening party for two. Or two hundred.
There are lots of reasons to read Santa Olivia. Even if you weren’t peer pressured into doing it for A Camp.
Gettin’ geeky with it.
“When I see lesbian couple after lesbian couple with not only matching haircuts and clothes but matching skin colours, I feel alone.”
The HRC Convention, political shenanigans and the most anticipated music video since “The Real L Word” finale.
Why does this shit always happen to me?
Laura’s Team Pick: The sun is up, the sky is blue, it’s beautiful and so are you.
From fiction to history to theory, we’ve got your end-of-summer feminist reading needs covered.
Are you growing your hair out from that awesome alternative lifestyle haircut, too? Isn’t it awkward? Let’s commiserate over accidentally looking like Carol Brady.
If you learn to get along with your roommates this’ll never happen to you.
It’s the second largest and second most populous city in the United Kingdom (the first being London) with over three and a half million people. So obviously it can’t be too bad here!
We can duet!
Kristen’s Team Pick: This song will make your pre-A-Camp Tuesday a bit more bearable.
Malinda Lo spoke with Autostraddle about her new book Adaptation, diversity in YA, gay girls making out, and how much she loves us (spoiler alert: a lot).
“There is no better feeling than knowing you can’t do something, just knowing it to the core, and then surprising yourself because you can.”
Laura’s Team Pick: What if xkcd got just a little nerdier?
Ladies and gentlebois, this is my coming out: I am a proud, gay, level 85 warlock. And I am here to recruit you.
This week on “The Real L Word,” everybody got married to dolphins!
Holy shit what a good week.
This week on NSFW Sunday: orgasms, casual sex, euphemisms, and dominatrixes.