Eye of the Sparrow: Because Sometimes Politics are Hysterical
Ali’s Team Pick: Bad Lip Reading did a hilarious re-dubbing of the first presidential debate. Please, BLR, do more! We want more!
Ali’s Team Pick: Bad Lip Reading did a hilarious re-dubbing of the first presidential debate. Please, BLR, do more! We want more!
“With all due respect that is a bunch of malarkey.”
Dr. Angela McCaskill is on paid administrative leave from her position as chief diversity officer at Gallaudet University because she signed a petition opposing gay marriage. Did the university make the right decision?
It’s been a special week.
Does it really take a straight man to tell the world about prejudice against queers? Apparently, yes.
“We didn’t chain ourselves to anything, or clash with cops. We stood outside an elementary school in Queens as open dykes, and gave balloons to school kids.”
“There is someone looking out for them …and it will get better.”
OMFG IT’S TIME TO MEET-UP! Find your city on the list and wash your lucky shirt.
If it’s clear to us that Gillard’s speech was amazing, then why are people attacking Gillard for being a hypocrite and saying she has damaged her own integrity?
Brittani’s Team Pick: “Tragedy + time = comedy. But I don’t have the benefit of time. So I’m just going to tell you the tragedy and know that everything is going to be okay.”
“It wasn’t until I kissed the second girl that even my therapist at the time laughed at me and told me maybe it was time to accept that my sexuality was not as cut-and-dry as I’d always imagined.”
The most important part about coming out is talking about it! Let’s all share our feelings in this open thread.
We have some allies in the Republican Party. So that means they aren’t all evil. No, seriously. Hear me out.
Vanessa’s Team Pick: If I had to choose between Maddow and Ellen I would probably die so it’s a good thing I don’t have to!
Everyone has to step aside: Sosan Firooz is the baddest bitch.
Cats + anti-street harassment slogans = match made in Tumblr heaven.
A mostly unedited, unabridged spin through what it felt like to be me at Bonnaroo last summer. Not a recap.
Dan Savage wants a fight, Serbian gays want their city back, and P!nk wants record sales. And I want a drink, stat.
In which the term “reverse toaster” is coined.