NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday is Having An Epic International Fisting Day Party
It’s International Fisting Day! We’ve got fisting stories, resources, and a pretty awesome how-to-fist infographic.
It’s International Fisting Day! We’ve got fisting stories, resources, and a pretty awesome how-to-fist infographic.
This week everyone is atwitter about gay marriage and Madonna’s sexiest material turns 20. Also, Pink takes her clothing off and video footage was released with her consent! What more coud I ever offer you?
So what if we’re only 3.4% of the population? We’re an interesting bunch of people.
Cara’s Team Pick: The best five-hour wedding-based multimedia theater project starring flowers in drag you’ll go to all year.
Bryan Lindquist, head of anti-gay Parents Action League, is an ex-gay “therapist” who calls AIDS “Gay-Related Immune Deficiency.”
I hope you’re ready to answer some questions! We’ve got location anxiety, general anxiety, feelings about age differences, and should you be offended when someone says you look gay?
Did you watch the second Presidential debate? Why doesn’t anyone give ME binders full of women?
It’s Spirit Day when everybody wears our favorite color, purple, to support LGBT youth! We’ve made a gallery to celebrate!
Topics include affirmative action, moving to New York from Canada, female boxers, Jonah Lehrer, Vancouver, hormones and K-Pop!
This study from University of Maryland tells us that 38% of lesbians aren’t being regularly screened for cervical cancer.
This is an opportunity to talk about sneakers and cute queers. YOU’RE WELCOME, WORLD.
“So while the “binders full of women” were in fact real, and not an imaginary item to be mocked, they weren’t exactly something Mitt can take credit for.”
Edie Windsor isn’t the only victor in round two; things are looking up for everyone.
In this week’s liberty lit: finding comfort in bad books, steampunk and gender identity, an interview with Michelle Tea, a “photographer of books” and the best place to discover new poetry.
Perhaps you picture fraternities and sororities like Animal House or the House Bunny, but here’s a life lesson: life and movies often do not resemble one another.
We often talk about the different ways we as a community can reclaim words, but what about when an individual actually does it?
Right now, what I want is to be in a dark room with my headphones and closed eyes. This is what I’ll be listening to.
The good news is that tomorrow is a new day, and that maybe one day we’ll finally have marriage equality.
ABC News spent a lot of time telling you what all the cool kids were tweeting about. We live tweeted the debate and sounded marginally cooler. Join us for a fun adventure in “none of us could gchat so we decided to do this instead.”
Carolyn’s Team Pick: Grace Bonney is on No Man’s Land!