Super Spooky Halloween Movie Night: Addams Family Values
With bonus drinking game inside!
With bonus drinking game inside!
Ever wonder what that teacher was thinking? How they handled being out at work? Or did you wish they were more out and outspoken? Here are three real-life queer teachers to give you a peek inside their teacher-brains!
This post aims to answer pressing questions such as, “now that the fundraising campaign is over, how long ’til we get to see the new website?” and “when is my fundraising t-shirt gonna be here???”
A thoughtful list for when your hurricane needs new role models.
Carolyn’s Team Pick: “The one percent? It’ll no longer be the very rich. It’ll be the very fast.”
Nothing on Halloween is hotter than the girl on fire. Here are three versions of Katniss Everdeen for you to choose from!
So you are filling out job applications, medical forms, changing your address on every account you possess, applying to the Peace Corps or any number of things that require you to write the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Here is your playlist.
The lesbianagettes are feathering their nests for winter with friends, activities and lady loves.
This week in the world of tech, we’re going to talk about two of our favorite things: apps for your awesome Autostraddle Air Mail Pen Pals, and apps for liquor.
As the battle on marriage equality in Maryland and Minnesota heats up, Ravens and Vikings players find themselves lining up both for and against the cause.
Tips on proper toy storage and cleaning, with a little help from Good Vibrations, Smitten Kitten and Oh My!
27. Buy 3 different kinds of peanut butter, just in case
This week on NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday: safer sex in queer porn, old-fashioned handcuffs, and talking about sex.
I’m gonna marry the night – and probably another woman once DOMA is repealed.
If you build it, they will come (that’s what she said).
It’s getting even scarier than usual this week in Rosewood even though I can’t seem to accurately identify anyone’s costumes. Don’t worry though, Paige wears a tuxedo the whole time.
Candy, fisting, politics. PERIOD.
The world’s only graduate LGBTQ policy journal is seeking submissions! Get your proposals together by November 9th.
This mix does not have ‘Monster Mash’ on it.
Leah Horlick is an ass-kicking, award-winning Canadian poet who is taking the queer literary world by storm.