Girls Have Feelings in Eve Ensler’s “Emotional Creature” Off-Broadway
Eve Ensler (The Vagina Monologues) is back with a new musical play, Emotional Creature, featuring fictional monologues and stories inspired by girls around the globe.
Eve Ensler (The Vagina Monologues) is back with a new musical play, Emotional Creature, featuring fictional monologues and stories inspired by girls around the globe.
We love music lovers, and probably you do, too. Here are some musical gifts you can give them that aren’t actually music!
Sometimes you have to break up with someone to save yourself, no matter what time of the year.
Were these two women at your meetups? Probably.
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on / And our little life is rounded with a sleep.”
Buying a gift for a crafty person can be difficult if not impossible. But take heart, brave soul, because there is hope for gift givers.
This week on Glee everyone dressed up in spandex and rubbed themselves all over each other. Well, that’s partly true.
Willow Smith lives on, Chris Brown finally goes away, and you really just have to see this Swedish toy catalogue.
“Hollywood is a very hard place to be in. It really is. Being the person I am, you know, the size I am, being a woman, being a black woman, there’s not a lot of roles for us.”
“Recently I wrote a poem on the notebook on my iPhone on the subway platform. I like to move around.”
A gift guide for people that like to laugh but aren’t presented with the opportunity nearly enough.
Shrinky Dinks have officially grown up.
“What is so difficult and simultaneously interesting about this narrative is that it is not a far-fetched horror story.”
Hint: it’s not what The National Organization for Marriage’s Ruth Institute would like you to believe.
“I’d like to say that to steal Lyons’s look all you’d have to do is go to J. Crew and put on whatever they’ve got the mannequin in these days. Unfortunately, Lyons’s manages to be even more chic than her own line.”
Despite its tongue-in-cheek name, Poetry is Dead Magazine’s Queer Issue is pleasant evidence to the contrary.
The lesbianagettes are as busy as ever. This time, they’ve got rugby, crazy weather, trips to new york, and a bunch of pictures from Halloween parties.
An epic assortment of games, accessories, totes, posters, notes, gizmos, housewares, kitchen things, apparel and so much more for the bookworm on your list.
Meet Triszh, our very first Straddler on the Street. She’s a student, a New Yorker by way of the Philippines and a devoted veteran Autostraddle reader. You’re gonna love her.
You wouldn’t consider these things garbage, so why do you treat them that way? Embrace your crisper and the fibrous little treasures inside.