“Riverdale” Episode 303 Recap: Twisted Games
There are at least three shows happening at once right now.
There are at least three shows happening at once right now.
Anissa and Grace make their way towards reconciliation and romance, Jennifer Pierce continues to be the best teenager on television this side of Santana Lopez.
Anna won the Acting in a Drama Streamy for her work on a YouTube show, Youth & Consequences, and urged the audience — as a queer woman of color — to get out and vote in the midterms.
Here I am to shout about Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe throughout space and time.
“Our identities shouldn’t require any external validation. But they do.”
In an episode laden with all-too-relevant metaphors, Alex, Kara, Lena, and Nia all deal with the recent anti-alien sentiments causing unrest in National City in different ways.
Also: God Friended Me is heckin’ gay, HTGAWM celebrates Spirit Day with purple and more hints of an Annalise/Tegan hook-up, Bre-Z is so good on All American, and just a little misandry on The Purge.
Archie stars in a middling, trope-filled prison movie, but at least the season’s murder mystery is heating up. Also, I’m still worried about Betty!
Anissa wants Zoe to sing her a song. Naked. In Heels. Of course.
We’ve discussed the arguably gay women of The X-Files, and obviously Dana Scully at length. But it’s time to answer a different pressing question: how gay are the monsters of the week?
Nia Nal is the hope we all needed on this show, and Alex Danvers’ haircut is gayer than ever.
The main problem with Harry is that she’s just not around enough to make up for everyone else’s assholery.
The new Netflix reboot of Shirley Jackson’s classic has made a lot of changes; one thing that’s stayed, though, is kickass horror lesbian Theo — now with a whole backstory of complicated family trauma!
Mel, a graduate student in women’s studies, is the kind of misandrist, angry, radical, combat-boot wearing, feminist lesbian your mother warned you about.
Plus: Another dead lesbian on The Purge, another almost dead lesbian on You, and less murderous updates on Grey’s Anatomy, Star and Fresh Off the Boat!
Pretty Little Liars with a touch of The Craft and a hint of Final Destination.
Ah, yes. Cheryl Blossom is back. Riverdale is back. Let the beautiful chaos begin.
All American’s been described by other critics as “The OC meets Friday Night Lights” and while there are certainly are some parallels, it does a disservice to brush it off as something you’ve already seen before.
This Week: Anissa Pierce goes full on “Set It Off”/Robin Hood, stealing from Freeland’s drug dealers to give back to those in most need. Next Week: She’s kissing a girl! WE’RE BACK!!
You can know your beloved Doctor is going to be a woman, and then you can witness her being a woman. It’s two different things.