Butch Please: Anxious Little Butch
Anxiety on a butch is no different than anxiety on anyone else, but somehow I feel an immense shame as a result of the two’s interactions.
Anxiety on a butch is no different than anxiety on anyone else, but somehow I feel an immense shame as a result of the two’s interactions.
In which Ali and Emily fantasize about going to Paris together and Spencer finally figures out what’s behind the A-key door.
Topics include 30 Rock, Mary Gaitskill, CES, The NRA, Perez Hilton, Kickstarter, Aileen Wuornos, Perez Hilton, Amy Bishop and so much more!
Kreuzbach10 wants to make men’s shirts for women’s bodies AND ALSO wants to send you to camp in May! It’s your last chance to snag a campership.
Keep us warm during the storm?
I’ve heard that being a grown up who takes their lunch to work is a thing people do. Let’s learn how to become one of those magical people together.
This week on Bomb Girls, half of my early season predictions came true, and there was hardcore lesbian kissing!
Welcome to the latest instalment of A Prairie Homo Companion, in which I proudly inform you that the prairie homo literary movement is indeed here, queer, and fantastic.
This week in literature: the Lesbian Romance Drinking Game, keeping a notebook, diverse queer reading lists, ruining art and creative inspiration.
Saturday’s grand opening of Tomboy Tailors in San Fran was amazing! We missed you. Here are some pictures of how hot and adorable everyone was.
The Beyonce Bowl is available online, Homeland gets spoofed, Lizzy Caplan is CrazySexyCool (no TLC), and a two year old can beat you at basketball.
A competition for writers to create a script that actually represents trans* people accurately!
We are big fans of whiskey here. There’s an entire kitten devoted to where the whiskey comes from.
“There was so much fucking estrogen and so many ladies who fist other ladies in that building, my ovaries tried to reproduce asexually.”
Today we’re going to look past Beyoncé and into her fucking awesome band and kind of swoon there and talk about things.
I’m pretty sure I became gayer in the process of putting together this post.
Such a dreamboat!
Chicago singer-songwriter with catchy charming tunes and deep feelings about brunch.
Carly and Robin meander through the Great American West! “Look, I know you think you live here, but we don’t. You probably think we live nowhere, and in a way, that’s true.”
The 49ers have been practicing their selective memory in preparation for this loss, and we’re gonna learn why they call it “Charm City.”