Gays and Lesbians Rule Las Vegas In New Ad Campaign
Las Vegas: the new gay and lesbian utopia of America.
Las Vegas: the new gay and lesbian utopia of America.
“We’re born naked and the rest is drag”
Personally, I blame the hit sequel “Heather’s Two Mommies Have Two Kegs Of Miller Lite.”
22. You can’t decide if you want to be or do your Confirmation saint.
Making things tiny and wearable is a recipe for adorable success.
Sometimes the gulf between my own experience and “typical” parents is the same as that between parents and non-parents. And yet, on a fundamental level it’s also the same joy and the same challenge that we all face.
“I’ve been hanging out/ hooking up with this girl for about a month. I have her pretty figured out physically and can get her off fairly quick, but the same can’t be said about her. I don’t have a problem with it, but it’s starting to make her upset. Help.”
We did a thing, and people are paying attention, because we deserve it like that. And more importantly: so do you. In case you don’t believe that, here’s a gallery of perfect pictures to prove it.
It’s telling and moving that Obama chose to dedicate a fairly significant chunk of his speech to the LGBT community; it sends the message that we are who he thinks of when remembering how equal we are or are not.
Our intrepid lesbianagettes have been busy figuring out how to handle life back home, crying during Les Miserables, getting tattoos and having girlfriends visit. Let’s catch up with them!
A fashion ode to the ultimate power dyke. We’re stripping down Bette Porter.
Nikki chats with us about femme fashion, fat positivity, Helena Bonham Carter, Natalie Imbruglia and much more.
Does it look like tuna? Yes. Does it taste like tuna? Maybe.
Even I have a limit when it comes to eating cranberry sauce off of a spoon. (Or do I?)
We’re giving six new A-Campers the chance to skip the waitlist and register for A-Camp!
This week on NSFW Sunday: killer femmes, modern love, orgasm-free casual sex, nonsexual touching, “The Barbie” and a lesbian porn party.
Janis Joplin’s 70, Snoopy the Cat is too cute, and bigots are the laughingstock of the world.
In which we take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to figure out what in the world to do with all the jewelry we’ve made so far.
“First of all, Ali Liebert, let me just repeat that you need to stop making these faces or I will not have a goddamned heart left.”
From free healthcare, to the suffragette movement, to Idle No More, the following list describes some of the best in radical prairie activism.