Maddie the Coonhound Traveled the U.S., Wants To Do It Again With Friends Like You
When a dog goes on a book tour, the rest seems pretty self-explanatory. Get in on this!
When a dog goes on a book tour, the rest seems pretty self-explanatory. Get in on this!
During SXSW, an equally awesome and certainly more queer festival will be happening in Austin. On March 9th at as part of OUTLander’s Spring Festival, Main Screen will show episodes of Words With Girls, Unicorn Plan-It, and Gay Street Therapy along with a live performance from Haviland Stillwell.
Vanessa’s Team Pick: F to 7th is “a homoneurotic web series about Ingrid Jungermann and her descent into lesbian middle age,” it’s really funny, has awesome guest stars and I think you need to watch it.
It’s your monthly dose of party pictures from Phresh Cutz, a queer pop-up barbershop where cool kids, excellent hair and queer sensibilities come together to make magic.
Today the House of Representatives has finally passed the Violence Against Women Act – and it includes expanded protections for Native women and survivors in same-sex relationships.
In which Tegan lets me know that her songs are like her babies, she has a tea-drinking schedule, and she doesn’t want you to build a shrine to her in your home.
Lena Dunham auditions for Zero Dark Thirty, Jeremy Lin gets you all teary eyed, British teenagers answer questions about the “National Football Legion”, and Michelle Obama shows off her motherly dance moves.
It’s almost March which means it’s almost spring which means I’m about to start putting flowers on everything.
A trans* take on Katie Couric’s “Growing Up Transgender” show.
“Yesterday it was revealed that 75 prominent Republicans have signed onto an amicus brief arguing for the legalization of gay marriage in the Supreme Court case dealing with marriage equality.”
A former campus activist explains why universities are getting away with not seriously addressing rape on campus, and why they need to start.
Vanessa’s Team Pick: As a Jewish lesbian with hopes and dreams of one day becoming a mom, I feel that it is my duty to tell you that the very first LGBT-inclusive Jewish children’s book in English finally exists!
Homophobes get told off, allegorical vegetarians, and Brokeback Bollywood.
Bubblegum sentiments with post-riot grrrl edge. Meet your new favorite band!
“I’m not creating this thing, I’m facilitating the birth. If anything I’m this thing’s midwife. It’s gonna be messy.”
With 75 Republicans signing on for gay marriage, how on earth will NOM stay relevant?
Registration is open for three Feminist Camp programs! Each provides participants with the opportunity to explore NYC, make connections, and play a part in a movement that will, by the end, completely humble them.
Bowie’s new video has a lot of people we like and is also really strange, so it’s exactly what you’d expect.
Quvenzhané Wallis has the most popular name in the 24/7 news cycle as of late, which is funny considering just two days ago journalists couldn’t even be bothered to learn how to pronounce it.
Taking the Catholic prayer card where it has never gone before.