On Faith And Gender, Or Why I Dress Like A Man On Fridays
“It boils down to a simple decision: dress like a man, or lose part of my faith.”
“It boils down to a simple decision: dress like a man, or lose part of my faith.”
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And also delicious.
This week on “Glee,” everybody played dress-up and some people cried and some people yelled at each other and some people were gay and had pillows.
This week on NSFW Sunday: stats on female masturbation, queer porn can change your life, unsexy things to improve your sex life, bad smut and more.
ENDA updates, corporations standing up for marriage rights, rainbow houses, and hot cats.
It’s the long awaited season finale of Pretty Little Liars! Questions are answered (sort of), Red Coat is reveled, Spencer goes pantless and Rosewood has a new lesbian couple!
Making sense of a new study that says we don’t like our books to have “mood words” anymore, except for scary ones.
I can’t remember when I first heard about 3D printing. But I do remember my mind being blown. Print media has traditionally been two dimensional and now you’re telling me printers can make objects that we can hold in our hands? WTF, the future is now!
Three bands I can’t get out of my head! You’ll probably love them, too.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has released a lengthy report based on 30 years of researching explaining why banning same-sex marriage “for the children” doesn’t make any sense.
This week we have love for older lesbians, Nutella, pocket squares and you!
Topics include Whitney Houston, the soul of student debt, Atlantic City, the West Memphis Three, Civil-Rights-era cold cases, notebooks, the Famous Poets Conference, the white male Academy, Westboro and so much more!
Gotta testify! Come up in the spot lookin’ extra fly!
Seeing as I live in the birthplace of the empanada, I think it’s high time we made some for lunch.
“This book is a queer anthem. It flashes bright neon lights and blows out plumes of dirty glitter.”
Just in time for this week’s episode of Glee, I finally recap last week’s episode of Glee!
Cantaloupe sorbet is the “perfect ending” to our lemon-pepper linguine movie night extravaganza with Wolfe Video!
This week we’ve got audio sunshine and gloom-pop. Rachael Cantu takes on J-Biebs and T&S, plus tracks from Abbe May, Zambri, The Colourist and Walk Off The Earth.
Lambda Literary Award Finalists, Lean In, Sister Spit, performance-enhancing drugs for writing, outsider lit for girls, bookish cures and so much more!
This spring, as you shed all the layers of winter, it’s important to love your prairie homo skin and not feel bad about its colour, its stretch marks, or whom or what it responds to.