Also.Also.Also: The Frat Brothers You Wish You Went To College With And Other Stories We Missed This Week
Homophobes get told off, allegorical vegetarians, and Brokeback Bollywood.
Homophobes get told off, allegorical vegetarians, and Brokeback Bollywood.
Bubblegum sentiments with post-riot grrrl edge. Meet your new favorite band!
“I’m not creating this thing, I’m facilitating the birth. If anything I’m this thing’s midwife. It’s gonna be messy.”
With 75 Republicans signing on for gay marriage, how on earth will NOM stay relevant?
Registration is open for three Feminist Camp programs! Each provides participants with the opportunity to explore NYC, make connections, and play a part in a movement that will, by the end, completely humble them.
Bowie’s new video has a lot of people we like and is also really strange, so it’s exactly what you’d expect.
Quvenzhané Wallis has the most popular name in the 24/7 news cycle as of late, which is funny considering just two days ago journalists couldn’t even be bothered to learn how to pronounce it.
Taking the Catholic prayer card where it has never gone before.
$55 West Elm chalkboard clock for $15. Not bad, not bad.
Ketzel wrote to us and said she’d like to see more teenage queers in the media, so we went ahead and accepted her offer to interview her, a real live teenage queer. We chatted about how she’s choosing a college, feminism, her love of horseback riding and the biggest misconceptions grownups have about teens.
You don’t even have to be a journalist to recognize (and roll your eyes/groan about) the full spectrum of ignorance and sexism these lady journos have experienced.
Due to a weird feat of botanical trickery, every season is avocado season. For that, I am eternally grateful.
You should go to Palm Springs April 3rd to the 7th for Dinah Shore Weekend (aka lesbian spring break) because our girls from Unicorn Plan-It and Words With Girls say so. Brittani is hilarious and she made this guide just for you.
This is a book about being a queer girl in the 1970s, about traveling the world, and about trying to be a writer by the woman who would go on to co-found Seal Press and write award-winning books because who says you can’t accomplish what you dream of doing?
It’s the 85th annual Academy Awards! Let’s cross our fingers, ooh and ahh at tuxedos and make fun of everyone!
This week on NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday: feminist porn, Fat Sex Week, live sex-ed advice and more.
Obama outdoes himself, Jon Huntsman records in writing his support for same-sex marriage, and then an animal adopts another animal. This is real life.
Jimmy Jane promises that the Hello Touch is perfect “for everyone who likes to touch or be touched.” Was that our experience? Well…
This week on Pretty Little Liars, Emily gets majorly jealous of Paige as we’re introduced to a brand new lesbian character.
Tami Lane is your favorite out makeup artist and she’s nominated for an Academy Award for her work on The Hobbit. Someone gay to root for on Sunday night!