In 2018, Lesbian and Bisexual TV Characters Did Even Better
Here’s your in-depth look at all the numbers on lesbian, bisexual and queer television representation in 2018. Spoiler alert: it got better?
Here’s your in-depth look at all the numbers on lesbian, bisexual and queer television representation in 2018. Spoiler alert: it got better?
In the early days of 2019 I’ve found myself really drawn to books and TV and movies and podcasts that are full of light and warmth and hard-won happiness. Enter: Days of Our Wives.
Listen, we all know queer women love a good TV show about serial killing or Satan worship or ghosts — but did you know sometimes it feels good to just feel good?
All the premiere dates and sneak peeks at new and returning television shows with lesbian, bisexual or queer women characters coming January, February and March 2019 to a shiny box near you.
“I said yes to the fear of being on this stage tonight because I wanted to be here, to look out onto this audience and witness this moment of change.”
The hot evil parents get hotter and eviler!
Derry Girls is genuinely, rawly, categorically funnier than any show I’ve watched in ages — and it’s gay!
Callie and Mariana are back, and there’s a new lesbian in town!
I considered titling this “Latinx Butches 2018: Welcome To The Thirst Trap,” but that didn’t seem very professional, you know?
This was gonna be a review of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel but instead it’s just an entire thing about how Susie Myerson is a butch lesbian who works at a club surrounded by lesbian bars frequented by other butches and yet somehow she is not, officially, a lesbian, and neither is anybody else on this usually delightful show!!!
It’s our last TV list of 2018!
Ask me when was the last time I saw a beautiful young black girl come out on television and have both her parents tell her that they love her more than any girl in the entire world? NEVER. The answer is, quite literally, never. None of us have.
Shine bright, shine far! Be a star! Where you live, where you are!
This is our last Boobs Tube of 2018! Come on in and talk to us about All American, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Charmed, Critical Role, The Young and the Restless, Camping, Coronation Street, and Sally4Ever!
These are the television shows of 2018 that stand out for their artistry and innovation AND also feature lesbian, bisexual, queer or trans women characters.
Teen asylum breakouts, maple syrup torture, hot moms who weld, mass seizures — this show really does have it all.
I made you a Christmas Card with Nafessa Williams’ face, but you have to open this recap to see it.
Kara tries to convince Elseworlds-Alex to help her save reality from a man wearing Superman’s face. Also we get one last peek at Batwoman before she flies off into the night!
Charlie keeps messing up the timeline, giving us gems like the Sirens of Space-Time and the Puppets of Tomorrow, in this wackadoo mid-season finale.
Supergirl goes to Gotham and meets the one, the only: Batwoman. And also Kate Kane, what a coincidence!