Girl-on-World: Argentina
Buenos Aires’ dark streets glistened with youth and possibility, and most of our nights revolved around an easy camaraderie between travelers.
Buenos Aires’ dark streets glistened with youth and possibility, and most of our nights revolved around an easy camaraderie between travelers.
Cher’s role as Mother To All Queers is good enough reason for every single human being reading this article to sit down, shut the fuck up, and listen to some goddamn pop music.
Claire’s balancing being a good role model to her younger sisters while still trying to show her girlfriend a good time – all before going in to get her ACL repaired.
“The LGBT contingent of the protest was made up of multiple different organizations from across the city, but when the city’s plans to destroy the gay mecca park were made public, they all rallied together. Now, they form a foundational part of the movement.”
“The failure of a female prime minister is seen to reflect the failure of women in positions of power. Gillard had to be better than any politician before, and even when she was just as problematic, divisive and changeable as her opponents and Rudd, she was attacked more viciously than they ever were. “
Showtime’s new summer show Ray Donovan premiered featuring Kate Moennig playing a PR press agent named Lena. And she’s gaaayyyyy. Also the show succccckkksssss.
Come hang out with other Autostraddlers in NYC and witness Julie Goldman being hilarious! Discounted tickets! Priority seating!
Emily lives in Canada and went to A-Camp 3.0, and she shared her feelings about being biracial, getting into roller derby, and having a cat named Barbra Streisand. Also it’s Canada Day so you basically need to shower her with love and maple leaves.
It’s Canada Day! What else do you expect from me?
July is smokin’ hot with Drea and her musical poetry and haikus! You won’t know if you want to be her or be with her, you know? Luckily there’s an questionnaire at the end.
This week on NSFW Sunday: why porn for women isn’t like Bic For Her, height differences, asexuality and more.
Team Pick: ’90s nostalgia, anyone?
Okay, I’ll say it: I have trouble making butch friends. Actually, I have trouble feeling like I am a part of the butch community, period.
Yes, we need to keep working. But can we fuckin’ party for a second please.
The week on Pretty Little Liars everyone is snooping around and we catch up on some Deep Thoughts with Melissa Hastings.
Ali’s Team Pick: Because everyone in the U.S. with half a brain has already team picked Wendy Davis as a Senator and badass super human, I will do everyone a feminist-comedy-solid by team picking the Amazon Review of Wendy Davis’s sneakers.
Google, guys. There was a lot doing at Google this week. Flipping through all my tech websites, I felt like Google was covered even more than normal.
The struggles of queer and trans* people are no less important than the struggles of gay people, and if they move forward without us, they are not moving forward at all.
Will you marry us?
“Every thing that grows, grows differently. Each of us grow in our own way.”