Make A Thing: Scrabble Tile Coasters
A thing to make for the word nerd in your life.
A thing to make for the word nerd in your life.
“Every person, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, must be able to walk the streets without fear for their safety.”
Have you been wondering who these pieces of heaven are? Wait no longer.
Some things we read and saw on the internet on #trayvon and race in America.
Songs about characters like Alice Pieszecki, though? Not so easy. As far as I know, there are no songs about funny, sassy, sarcastic, opinionated bisexual journalists who have an admirable ability to cut down Jenny Schecter like a total champ.
Nothing brings lesbros together more than shoving eggs into exciting holes!
Maria and I talked about therapy and the best places to eat in Seattle and we also got sidetracked talking about books and mermaid hair and Dear Sugar and then I died because Cheryl Strayed is my religion. Maria is super awesome, is what I mean.
La Chica Boom is showcasing a live theatrical version of her short film, FML, for the Fresh Fruits Festival at The Wild Project. So I’m gonna be there and fanqueer the fuck out.
This week on NSFW Sunday: being a lesbian feminist pornographer, a sex theme park, ESPN’s bodies issue and more.
Here’s a couple of rays of sunshine in what may be the most fucked up weekend in America’s recent history.
A jury found George Zimmerman guilty of absolutely nothing in the murder of Trayvon Martin.
Since DAR, I’ve been trying to find an equally good queer comic to read, and I think I’ve found a few that come close.
In no particular order, here are some apps I’d like to try this summer. Some of them are like, *brain explodes* THE FUTURE IS NOW.
Lesbian criminals who are members of an international drug cartel, what the fuck else is up.
After months of political turmoil and public unrest — and in the face of a growing Evangelical lobby and extremely distressing hate crime statistics — it may finally be the Anti-Homophobia Bill’s time to shine.
Topics include Cosby sweaters, depression, The Chive, Chloë Sevigny, Gabby Hoffman, PTSD, murder in San Bernardino County, undocumented immigrant activism and moar!
It’s college visit week in Rosewood and Emily has a sorority she really wants to visit, if you know what I mean. Also featuring a straight dude who can’t figure out that Emily is gay and Aria’s ugliest skirt yet!
The antidote to road rage, butches in make-up and lesbo-centric tv we actually like. Plus your words!
You need to watch this show right this minute!
It’s the whole experience that makes it so beautiful: driving through the hills to get to the trail, trekking through the woods with your friends and slowly hearing the sound of the waters as you get closer.