Lez Get Dressed For Work: F*ck Yeah End Of Season Sales
Cute summer things are finally on sale because fashion thinks it’s basically fall now but we all know it’ll be hot until at least October.
Cute summer things are finally on sale because fashion thinks it’s basically fall now but we all know it’ll be hot until at least October.
It’s Open Mic Night in Rosewood and Emily’s about to learn just how good Shana is at fingering.
“HB2 outlaws abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, shuts down all but five abortion clinics in the state and tightens guidelines when it comes to abortion drugs. It’s a law that undoubtedly affects so many in the state: low-income, working class, people of color.”
“Truffle oil is too far for anything.”
Staying cool while being the hottest porch on the block with delicious homemade lemonade.
It was a very musical week, ok.
I look forward to your angry defensive comments re: the benefits of ingesting menstrual blood.
The Queen makes it official by signing off on gay marriage in England!
“When they pry themselves apart, Lexi tells Jesus that her parents took her computer and phone and locked her away in Cookie Monster’s tower where she has to spin gold.”
Audacia Ray’s Red Umbrella Project, an organization seeking to amplify the voices of sex workers through media, advocacy and storytelling, publishes a literary journal. And it’s great.
I never thought I’d see those mix tapes or that Samantha doll again
A different kind of camp, a book you’ll want to pre-order, a victory for trans* people in the workplace, and LESBIANS.
Body suits, high-waisted pants and big gold hoops? We must be stripping down Jessie J.
Multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer who’s performed with all the artists you love – Frank Ocean, Lana Del Rey, P. Diddy and Kanye West, to name just a few!
In which we discuss the pros and cons of double-ended dildos at length.
After the Trayvon Martin verdict, one particular (12-year-old) bell hooks quote blew up the Internet. It’s not the only part of her philosophy that still makes sense.
“Given the message of acceptance and sex positivity that the queer community so openly espouses, I was hopeful that I had finally found a niche where my sexuality would be respected and validated. To my dismay, passive discrimination was alive and well.”
“We know something now that we didn’t always know before: we are not alone.”
Read the testimonials from A-Camp May 2013’s Campershippers and find out about how you can give the gift of a campership or apply to get one yourself!
You’ll grow to love the glow of the city when it’s sunny outside and also its poetic gloom on rainy days; you’ll learn that the outdoor tables, no matter how gritty, are the most privileged spots at bars and restaurants; you’ll be surprised with how culturally diverse this city is; and you’ll become addicted to the unstoppable activities day and night.