Campership Alert: Go To A-Camp October For Free Thanks To Kipper Clothiers!
Camp is less than two months away and we’re offering another opportunity for you to go for free, thanks to Kipper Clothiers! Enter to win a campership!
Camp is less than two months away and we’re offering another opportunity for you to go for free, thanks to Kipper Clothiers! Enter to win a campership!
Fantasy bands, lego warfare and Christmas in July (err, August)
Topics include assisted living facilities, the militarization of the police, work, bike shops, Intervention, grief, TV ratings, cotton farmer suicides, Woody Allen’s New York and more!
“So what makes you qualified to work for me? No offense, but you don’t look like someone who will cry if she can’t get her hands on the latest Gucci purse.”
Over 100 people gathered in Cameroon’s capital city to demonstrate for harsher punishment of LGBT citizens, distribute anti-gay pamphlets and hang signs with homophobic messages
For a long time the Bechdel test has seemingly been the only tool we have to examine sexist trends in Hollywood. Now, thanks to Pacific Rim, the Mako Mori test is here to help.
Accidentally dairy-free apple cake is the best kind of apple cake.
“Of the 101 films released last year by the six major studios, only five films contained any semblance of queer lady representation.”
If you feel like there aren’t enough lesbos in the waving wheat of Oklahoma!,come see our versions of these beloved show tunes. Also, you might meet some girls.
This week in lit: bookshelfies, queer superhero power couples, Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution, a pop-culture feminist syllabus and more.
“As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me. I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female… I hope that you will support me in this transition.”
So many forms of media! A movie trailer, a music video, a web series, and a television show all partying with special guest, Alex Vega’s hair.
Rocking navys and grays in the West Village, we’ve got some stylish dapperQs interpreting the Bespoken Spring 2013 Collection.
“So we sit down and I pull out my life’s timeline and Officially Official Documents like WAH-BOOM! How you like them apples??”
Stef hijacked Almost Famous so she could tell you about this rad queercore / homo-pop band and their dog, Broccolini, who is 10x cooler than you, sorry. Aye Nako!
Kristen’s Team Pick: Use a lorem ipsum generator to fill out your dating profile for when you’re too distracted by all of the potential boob dates to remember how to write in English.
“Eight New Kinds of Dildos For You To Gay Marry”
Taylor Swift performed “Closer” with Tegan and Sara at a concert in LA last night and when Vanessa and Lizz saw the video they collectively died. You will too.
The 50 most essential queer books coming this fall.
It’s even better in August, though, when every spare space in the city is full of performers putting on shows in cellars, attics, theatres and sheds as part of the world’s arts festival, the Edinburgh Fringe.