Take Your Tech On A Fun Run
Nothing is better at making you feel accomplished like sweating until you melt. And nothing is better at making that even more satisfying than a few good running apps.
Nothing is better at making you feel accomplished like sweating until you melt. And nothing is better at making that even more satisfying than a few good running apps.
On what Obama said (and didn’t say) this morning when he surprised everybody with a speech expanding on his thoughts about the Trayvon Martin ruling.
We’re checking Riese’s mail, walking each other’s dogs and planning brunch!
In which I suggest some crafty alternatives to the brews you already know and love.
Come be gay in the Bronx with me on Saturday!
“At Wellesley, I was never homesick. Not even in the dead of winter, when Boston was buried in snow and Phoenix was at its most palatable, did I miss home.”
“We do not know who killed Eric [Lembembe], or why . . . but his friends suspect that in killing him, someone wanted to kill a movement. “
Topics include Walter White, manic pixie dream girls, economics, shyness, Kerry Washington, shyness, Jonestown, racism and mercy, the future of journalism, affirmative action and more!
Let’s just go right ahead and kick off this recap with a gif of Alex. Let’s make that a thing that we do, okay?
Cute summer things are finally on sale because fashion thinks it’s basically fall now but we all know it’ll be hot until at least October.
It’s Open Mic Night in Rosewood and Emily’s about to learn just how good Shana is at fingering.
“HB2 outlaws abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, shuts down all but five abortion clinics in the state and tightens guidelines when it comes to abortion drugs. It’s a law that undoubtedly affects so many in the state: low-income, working class, people of color.”
“Truffle oil is too far for anything.”
Staying cool while being the hottest porch on the block with delicious homemade lemonade.
It was a very musical week, ok.
I look forward to your angry defensive comments re: the benefits of ingesting menstrual blood.
The Queen makes it official by signing off on gay marriage in England!
“When they pry themselves apart, Lexi tells Jesus that her parents took her computer and phone and locked her away in Cookie Monster’s tower where she has to spin gold.”
Audacia Ray’s Red Umbrella Project, an organization seeking to amplify the voices of sex workers through media, advocacy and storytelling, publishes a literary journal. And it’s great.
I never thought I’d see those mix tapes or that Samantha doll again