High Femme: 6 Stoner Apps for Your Stoner iPhone or Android
Dispensary reviews, cross-referencing strain libraries, light saber wars and much more!
Dispensary reviews, cross-referencing strain libraries, light saber wars and much more!
At times like this, the only way to get through it is to get serious and be efficient. You can only spend X amount of time on each grade, and then you need to move on.
Making terrariums is cool! Making terrariums from outer space is even cooler!
I am not crazy; I am simply black, and queer, and butch, and transcultural, and therefore alone.
“I’m on a major self-love extravaganza journey.” Lex shares her perspective on religion and spirituality, A-Camp, Reiki, work, art, and life.
She didn’t say “I have suspected this for years and I still love you.” It went more like a Scared Straight kind of thing but instead of scaring me about drugs and a life of crime, she wanted to scare me straight, straight. “Just Say No to Lesbianism” straight.
In this week’s rendition of “I bought sweet potato puree instead of pumpkin puree by accident,” I present you with a sweet potato pancake recipe, and also a bonus dinner lasagna!
New tracks drop full of homophobic slurs. Someone needs to get this boy a thesaurus.
Let’s try to figure out how to cook this confusing vegetable by making comparisons to even more confusing vegetables!
This week on Glee, everybody took turns dressing up like idiots and my gay boyfriend Adam Lambert showed up to sing a tune or two!
This week on NSFW Sunday: your brain’s sexual response, talking about sexual fantasies, Star Wars vibrators and more.
Why can’t every social justice organization be more like these guys?
Women in the U.S. who have experienced domestic violence are more likely to have chronic health conditions. Healthcare professionals are still failing to adequately recognise and treat harm caused by domestic abuse.
Everything’s coming up Retta, Ines Rau takes my breath away, and I’m getting gay married in paradise. (Someday.)
“Just when all hope seems lost, Zoe beheads the zombie while wielding a motherfucking chainsaw! Look who just became an interesting character!”
But for all of my many apps, there is one category that was tragically absent. And that category was gay-themed games. That is, until now.
140 articles and essays to read and save and love, in celebration of the 100th edition of “Things I Read That I Love”
You really need to watch bell hooks and Melissa Harris-Perry have this conversation.
Homovember is in full swing.
Topics include HIV, farmer’s markets, the worst serial killer ever, Jay-Z, Salem Witch Trials, slave dwellings, undocumented farm workers, queer sororities and moar!