Pope Francis Wants To Know What You Think About Gays (If You’re A Bishop)
The Vatican is soliciting opinions on a number of groundbreaking issues, including same-sex marriage, birth control, polygamy and forms of feminism “hostile to the Church.”
The Vatican is soliciting opinions on a number of groundbreaking issues, including same-sex marriage, birth control, polygamy and forms of feminism “hostile to the Church.”
Did you know that journaling while intoxicated is legal in all fifty states?
What just happened with ENDA, and what do you need to know to make sense of it? Everything you’ve ever needed to know about ENDA right up to the minute is right here!
What’s funnier than Riese, Laneia, and Rachel discussing awful gay movies by themselves? Riese, Laneia, and Rachel discussing awful gay movies with Mallory and Nicole from The Toast!
Marvel and DC Comics added some much needed diversity by debuting a teenage Muslim girl from New Jersey as Ms. Marvel and a new First Nations superhero. But where are the women of color on screen?
Yes. That’s right. Tradlands wants to put their threads on your body for zero money.
Here are ten likely scenarios.
The author of “Hyperbole and a Half” gives a talk at Google, the most moving football play of all time, a webseries about a cat lady, and an “Orange is the New Black” parody.
What says, “I love Home Depot, but still care about my hair” better than a necklace made out of washers?
Hazel Newlevant does so much great work that it would be a shame to look at just one of her comics and ignore the rest. From her weekly concert reviews and cute and funny diary comics to her award-winning stories about queer ladies trying to find happiness in music you’re sure to find something you’ll love.
STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW and look at this heartbreaking shot of JLaw looking like one of us.
If you’re looking for a primer in all the ways that modern media is still failing queers, this film is a good start.
I couldn’t possibly go outside today. Not even to show off these drop crotch pants.
HRC has announced that it will begin working for equality abroad as well as in the US — but is that a good thing? Let’s ask Daniel Loeb and Paul Singer.
New episode of Tiny Pineapple went up yesterday, but I was too busy to tell you about it then. I make up for that here, now. Today.
Inside: more event invites than you can handle, a lot of worthy causes, a historical case of The Unicorn, and the delicious taste of Republicanism slowly, slowly dying.
Are you the college girl, the office girl, the career gal, the prostitute, the matron, the man-hater, the bohemian, the frigid wife, the dull dyke or the unsuccessful heterosexual?
From what I can tell, New Holland pulls a switcheroo on each of these beverages to make two excellent, crossbred, yummy drinks. So today, I’m going to talk a little bit about both of them.
Illinois becomes the fifteenth state to approve marriage equality after a surprise vote in the state legislature.
“But much like masturbation and other “personal relaxation” methods, it’s pretty obvious that most women are smoking marijuana, but not talking about it. There is a cloud of shame permeating these issues for women, where there is absolutely none for men.”