What Nelson Mandela Meant for South Africa’s Women
Mandela devoted his life to improving the lives of all disenfranchised groups, but, right now, let’s take a look at what Mandela did for women.
Mandela devoted his life to improving the lives of all disenfranchised groups, but, right now, let’s take a look at what Mandela did for women.
Pope declares commission on sex abuse scandal, ACLU sues American Bishops, Cardinal Dolan declares he was “outmarketed” on gay marriage, and more.
Emily Graslie of The Brain Scoop calls on us to support female content creators in the STEM fields. Let’s do that.
“It is still quite strange to not be in school anymore and I do have to keep reminding myself that it is OK to take some time off. That I do not have to start my “career” right this second. That as long as I am lucky enough to provide food, water, and shelter for myself, I will be ok.”
Friendsgiving Menu, Christmas tree shopping, a trip to Ann Arbor and the most beautiful pumpkin steamed buns.
Yes, you DO want to watch this live stream of adoptable cats running around in holiday sweaters, I know you do.
Queer your notebook with tech!
For rock’n’roll makers, scholars, appreciators, and everyone in between.
What repeal am I talking about? The Repeal of the 18th Amendment, of course! The 18th Amendment was the harbinger of a very dark time in US history: Prohibition.
Grease 2 has more terrible puns, more surprise dance numbers, and more ketchup-based flirtations than its older sibling. It also has about twelve times the camp, and Michelle Pfeiffer. You’re sold, right?
In my first installment of How To Keep A Girl For Ten Years, I explore the notion of solidarity through individualism, selflessness and creativity!
A “Mean Girls” mash-up, Jenny Slate’s webseries, a Robyn robot, and the new season of “Girls” are going to party because it’s already past their bedtime so might as well.
Welcome to Sunday Top Ten, a list of things that may or may not be published on a Sunday or number “ten.” Today I’m gonna talk about my childhood heroes, like Shirley Temple and LeVar Burton.
“It’s so easy to yearn and ache for people to fill the space surrounding you, but it’s so difficult to find those who can do so in a way that doesn’t immediately consume all your hard-won oxygen and freedom.”
Significant opposition to a UN resolution to protect women HRDs raises questions about how to balance local contexts and values with universal human rights, as well as remind us of the very real risks that these women face every day.
Warner Bros. is finally making a movie with Wonder Woman! They’ve announced that actress Gal Gadot will be playing the Amazonian warrior in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie.
“This is basically all I’ve wanted all my life,” Rachel Kincaid, Senior Editor of Autostraddle, told me.
This week Gabby taught us everything she learned while wearing leggings. But, like, she looked so hot doing it.
“We demand that Wesleyan University stop segregating bathrooms along gender lines and provide all-gender bathrooms in all buildings in the University.”
From prom to the Mormon Church, folks got a lotta ‘splainin to do.