In 2013’s Final Hours, Sotomayor Issues Temp Stay On Contraceptive Mandate
Couldn’t you think of a better way to spend the last day of 2013, Justice Sotomayor? Maybe clean out your freezer? Flip your mattress? Rotate your tires?
Couldn’t you think of a better way to spend the last day of 2013, Justice Sotomayor? Maybe clean out your freezer? Flip your mattress? Rotate your tires?
This year I’m going to test out all my crazy new styles right in the middle of snow storms. Starting with thigh-high stockings over tights.
The more we talk about things, the better they get. 2013 was proof.
A #herocrush isn’t romantic or sexual, it’s about people you admire. People you’d love to work with to dismantle systems of oppression. This year most of my #herocrushes happened to be trans women.
In it’s third volume, all-lady comic collection “The Strumpet” brings us tales from 22 different women all centered around the idea of taste- whatever that means to the artist.
Here’s how we’re gonna be brave and bold in the new year. What about you?
This is a good time, self-reassurance, “you’re about to OWN the new year” kind of party. You got this.
I’ve been afraid to do so many things. This year, thanks to Autostraddle, I looked those fears in the eye, took action and started living my life the way I want to live it.
The Spice Girls were, for a really fucking long time, the only women showing me how to live a philosophy I later came to call feminism.
Read these books.
You know, if I’m ever trapped on a far-off planet with a crazed, god-like megalomaniac, I want Spock on my team!
Sewing on elbow patches takes less than 20 minutes and can mend your sweaters for many years of lovin’ to come.
It was wacky! It was depressing! It’s finally over! From “undocumented” to “transphobia” to “affluenza,” come look at the words that defined a year and defined themselves at the same time. (“Selfie” is nowhere on this list, I promise.)
One wedding cake-shaped float, sponsored by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, will highlight a live same-sex wedding for the first time since the Rose Parade began in 1890. The AIDS Healthcare Foundation is promoting its 2014 float with the slogan “Love is the Best Protection,” to promote legalizing same-sex marriage as a method to keep gay men safer from HIV/AIDS.
I saw a small fraction of this year’s tweets and I don’t follow everyone in the world but I still had my favorites just like everyone else.
Brush up on this year’s biggest news so you can impress that cute girl at your New Year’s Eve party.
“Sometimes, when you’re in the business of parenting, you have to phone a friend for a bit of perspective and advice. Sometimes, you have to phone more than one.”
In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court found the nation’s anti-prostitution laws infringed on the constitutional rights of sex workers.
In 2013, who’d have ever thought I’d become so attached to a sociopathic meth king? Also, I love my skinny jeans and feel really conflicted about Pope Francis.
I can’t promise I’ll go to the gym, but I can promise myself that I’ll go to my kitchen.