John Darnielle on International Women’s Day
HEY it’s International Women’s Day and this is what’s up.
HEY it’s International Women’s Day and this is what’s up.
Judge James Ware was appointed to fill the spot that Judge Vaughn Walker (of Prop 8 Trial fame) left when he retired. Except who even is this guy?
Not only is it a day about our favorite people in the world – women – but it is also a day about US – WOMEN! What are you doing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day?
Gay marriage, civil union, domestic partnership: when does this annoying process end and when do the bachelorette parties begin?! Am I right?! No, really, am I? Well, believe it or not, there is a shining light in the many debacles and debates raging over gay partnerships in the United States- and it’s gay legislators.
This is what it looks like to get all of the backlash and none of the glory for exposing the American government’s dirty laundry.
This is where the Carmen and Carolyn not-showdown will begin. We’re friends, after all, but we’re going to give you guys a little bit of both sides. We framed it like a girlfight to make it more interesting, though.
You know what they say, if you give a mouse a cookie the Republicans will fight to keep oppressive legislation until someone pries it from their cold dead hands!
“Huckabee has argued that Obama’s approach to the Defense of Marriage Act is just “wrong” for many ungrounded reasons which he would be happy to share with you at length.”
Your options for being married and/or civilly united have increased significantly this week! Here’s the rundown on Maryland and Hawaii, and what it means for you.
Jeremy Bernard has been a key fundraiser and gay agenda pusher for Obama since 2007, now he’s in charge of ALL THE PARTIES! Also, Obama’s hired a ton of gays, right?
The number of extremist hate groups in America has grown “explosively.” We still don’t think that’s cause for alarm, though: let’s take a moment to celebrate the fact that the radical queer pinko commie agenda has accomplished so much for them to freak out about.
The day that ALL THE MARRIAGE THINGS happened!
In which Barack Obama declares that he officially has our backs, seemingly out of nowhere.
Lady Gaga lays the smackdown on Target and demands that they support the LGBT community if they want a piece of her Born This Way action.
The bill will never pass the Senate, but the message to women is hard to mistake: your government doesn’t care about you or your right to reproductive health services.
“But for you to stand on this floor and to suggest, as you have, that somehow this is a procedure that is either welcomed or done cavalierly or done without any thought is preposterous.”
We’d recommend you honeymoon in Honolulu and not Jackson Hole, because if you go to Jackson Hole you might magically lose all of your rights as a homo if this bill passes and we hope it doesn’t!
The California Supreme Court has not made a ruling on the issue of standing in the Prop 8 appeal, but they have announced that they’re going to.
This year some people went way above and beyond buying Disney-themed Valentines from Walgreens – these queers are out there fighting for their right to marry, because Valentine’s Day should be about everyone.
For Valentine’s Day we wanted to have Jimmy McMillan sing you something sexy along with Hanson but you just got this Sunday Funday instead.