Femme Brûlée: Coconut Lime Popsicles
If you’re fan of spicy margaritas I’m pretty sure you’ll love these popsicles.
If you’re fan of spicy margaritas I’m pretty sure you’ll love these popsicles.
Of course as a black queer woman making lemonade from the sour fruits in life is a highly curated skill of mine…
It’s cheesecake holiday time, let’s make some cheesecake.
Over the past four years, I fell in love, traveled many places, had my heart broken, unraveled. I also ate a lot of seafood platters. Here are some of them.
How about a sugar cookie-filled Pride?
This would be a solid Mother’s Day breakfast plan if you’re celebrating tomorrow! Otherwise make it anytime but especially for beachside mornings, slow weekends at home, and any day when waking up queer in this world could use a little sweetness.
This recipe is perfect for this time of year when summer is approaching and a decadent treat is in order but the rising temperatures might already have you pushing the breaks on using the oven.
This vegetarian, kitniyot-free vegetarian chopped liver feels really homey and comfortable and hearty and celebratory. Chag Pesach sameach!
My friend Claire described it as the best strawberry cereal flavor but in muffin form and that’s totally it. You’ve got the sweet nutty almond batter filling in for the cereal, bursts of strawberry that are way better than the dehydrated cereal versions, and a sprinkle of white chocolate chips standing in for the creamy milk at the bottom of the bowl. Yes. You need these in your breakfast rotation.
Use the best chocolate you can find. Queer life is hard and you deserve it.
Purim is a party, so let’s make a big batch of rainbow hamantaschen to celebrate!
Ideally with a nice baguette, apple slices, or a really sturdy cracker like the ones from Trader Joe’s with all the nuts and grains and dried fruit and stuff.
Become a kitchen top, even if just for one day.
The warm caramelized bananas alone are a treat, but coated in this deep maple and brown sugar sweetened sauce that essentially candies the walnuts – they’re mouthwatering. I would eat this every damn day.
I use these biscuits in all the ways. They’re my favorite vessels for breakfast sandwiches and swiping chili bowls but I also eat them hot and plain straight from the pan, or smothered in jelly.
Given that it’s Black History Month and we’re doing a lot of talk about celebration here since Autostraddle is turning ten, I thought it was only fitting to share a recipe for this pie that’s such a tradition in Black American celebrations.
There’s something about lemon and thyme that really makes me ship them as a couple.
These are my backbone and support system for both cooking and baking, and having these items in your arsenal it will substantially upgrade your kitchen prowess.
I love eggnog, so I’ve taken it upon myself to write a recipe that I think even its most loyal haters will love. There’s no drinking the eggnog here, just using it to infuse the dough and glaze with warm winter spices and vanilla. The brown butter doesn’t hurt either.