The summer lull is long over. Yes, the games of fall 2010 are upon us (almost!) and this season doesn’t look too shabby, not one bit. A handful of huge hits have surely already zerged/headshotted your summer doldrums; Â Starcraft II, Halo: Reach, and Sid Meier’s Civilization V probably kept your hands full for a while there, but it’s time to look forward. Onward and upward, right?
Here are my top choices for Most Anticipated Games Ever (of Fall 2010). They already have me stocking my fridge with beer and caffeine in a 1:1 ratio and painstakingly hand-picking my finest gaming hoodie (all gamebians wears hoodies, right?). Someone put one on this girl. Here we go.
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (12/7)
You know this. I’ve been playing World of Warcraft for the past three years, pretty solidly for a few, and ain’t nothing getting between me and Cataclysm come December 7th.Hitting the newest expansion in WoW right alongside your whole server is a gaming climate like no other. Be there.
Fallout: New Vegas (10/19)
I haven’t played the critically acclaimed predecessors of Fallout: New Vegas, but this time around I’m looking forward to being on board. I’m ready to wreak a little havoc on the post-apocalypse, and blowing shit up in Las Vegas (a city seemingly filled with even more horrors, pre-apocalypse, than Los Angeles) sounds absolutely lovely. And hey, a Newark expansion pack could be cool too, right?
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (11/16)
Obviously I’m all over WoW like level 2 hot pants on a night elf, but this Assassin’s Creed sequel may just pickpocket my heart. I love a first person shooter as much as the next girl, but Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood offers a totally original take on multiplayer that could really revitalize multi-asshole gaming as we know it. The series has always rewarded brains over brawn, and employing the existing single-player mechanics to a large-scale assassination free-for-all sounds downright sublime.
I could’ve included a wheelbarrow’s worth of other upcoming games in this list (like Fable III and Medal of Honor, to name a few) but brevity is the soul of wit, or something. And I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that all y’all delightful ladygamers out there are ready and raring for a bunch of new releases this fall, so let’s hear it!
totally can’t wait for fallout. Greatest game ever
BLACK OPS! Multiplayer heaven *fingers crossed* Also Assassins Creed. Can I also say how excited about Bioshock Infinite?! I know I will not get to play it for another year but I am pumped!
Video games always seems like something I should be into, but either they take too much effort (all that equipment!) or I just get bored (my poor Sims families never get enough attention).
You are not alone in this feeling. I share it!
I’m excited for Rock band 3 to come out October 26 because Tegan and Sara’s The Con will be playable. IT’S GOING TO BE LIKE I’M TEGAN AND SARA PLAYING/SINGING THEIR SONG. but not really. Also there’s going to be a metric song. I also super can’t wait for Bioshock: Infinite to be released in 2012. I need that game, and I need it now.
When I read The Con was going to on RB3 I was like glad I already spent 200+ dollars just so I can play the one t&s song…as well as also pretend I can drum irl.
When I read it was going to be on RB3 I squealed out loud, and I NEVER squeal. The drums are soooooo much fun. Yeah, the t&s song is basically my driving force for buying the game the day it comes out.
Awesome. I am slightly perturbed by how happy I was to hear that a T&S song would be on RB..
I’m gonna be honest… I only clicked on the link to see the hot girl in her panties. I quickly lose interest in any console postdating the Super Nintendo, but pretty girls are always relevant.
I wish Blizzard would release Diablo III instead of WoW Cataclysm this year = /
I agree. I miss my Necromancer. :'(
Things I want for Christmas? A girlfriend who plays WoW so that I can justify starting to play it when it’s obvious that I have no time.
Sex is a good enough justification for most things, right?
All things Emily ALL THINGS
I still have a SNES. See I had this girlfriend once and we were together for damn near four years and when she moved out it was all “I don’t love you anymore, I really want some peen!” via text message and six weeks later she was knocked up and married and didn’t want any of her belongings from our apartment anymore, just the bank account and my sanity, so I ended up with an SNES.
I also ended up with a mountain of debt, about fifteen million Suzanne Brockmann novels and a thorough knowledge of how much tequila is too much tequila but hey, I got an SNES out of it. And Mario All-Stars. Can’t go wrong with Mario All-Stars.
facts, all of them.
Oooh, sometimes I wish I still played WoW when I see cool updates and expansions. I’m excited for Brotherhood though. I’ve always liked AC, and it’ll be fun to have multiplayer. I also hope that they just keep refining it until it’s perfect.
Also, pictures of girls playing video games are nice. ^ ~
agreed. polished multiplayer, plz!
Cataclysmmmmm. Can. Not. Wait.
Oh, and a little thing called Ghost of Sparta. But that’s nothing.
Force Unleashed 2, must cause havoc with a lightsaber
Did you honestly forget about Black Ops?
not by accident. i’m not too stoked about it, prob just because it isn’t the MW2 development team/naysayers abound. but i plan on giving it a chance!
True. Treyarch did mess up the last time didn’t they. Hopefully they have learned from World at War and make their game a little more up to date.
Dear Taylor,
I have a confession.
I might have been a little bit drunk on some white wine when I left my first comment. Which is why it sort of sounds like you’re being shouted at by an angry, drunk crazy person. I’m sorry about this. What I meant to say was:
I really can’t wait for Dead Space 2. The first one was actually legitimately frightening and there’s not much I love more from my games than a good fright. Sims 3 is also coming soon and I’m looking forward to acting out on my occasional god complex. And like Sam already mentioned: BioShock Infinite!! I’m really glad it comes out before December 2012. I’ll be okay with the world ending as long as I get to soar those not so friendly skies first.
There, I contributed actual thoughts. Once again, I’m sorry for my inebriated outburst.
dead space scared me to the point that I could not play it right before bed and I had to have all the lights on because it would make me yell at my screen in fear sometimes.
It was super scary. The last game to like, REALLY freak me out while playing it was Silent Hill 4: The Room. So it was nice to have a game that caused me to have panic and terror. Pretty sure I legit threw the controller to the ground a few times.
Fable III, obv, is one of the BIG things for this year. I’ve been playing Red Dead Redemption pretty solidly through the summer, so I need something else to take its place. I totally *heart* Fable II, so really looking forward to new one.
Re WoW Cataclysm: In prep for her final year of the PhD, my wifey quit WoW. It was painful for all involved. However, now she’s finished, so I fear I’ll lose her to the WoW expansion again in December…sigh. I’m considering the ‘if you can’t beat em, join em’ approach – I do have a level 80 Human Rogue in there somewhere..
I’m so excited for Cata, especially after delaying its release 837465346 times. And, well, I’m still not happy that they decided to put the Worgen with the Alliance. Really, Blizzard, really?