The day has come. We survived the last game, and more importantly, we survived all of the Canadian fans and the bitter comments they made in passive-aggressive tweets and Facebook statuses (I still love you Canada). If you somehow missed the last game, here’s a cute YouTube video that basically explains it all via ukulele. It was dramatic, and I’m sure we can all agree that the game brought out a lot of feelings. I think Intern Grace said it best in a tweet: #SOCCERFEELINGS

Megan Rapinoe attempts to distract us from her attractiveness — to no avail.
via {USWNTgifs tumblr}
Well, get ready to have #soccerfeelings x 392375 because of course it came down to USA and Japan. Last time, this kind of match didn’t end so well on our part, but we’re a totally different team now, wouldn’t you agree? I think Abby Wambach might agree:
I think the fact that we lost the World Cup and the way that we did gives us even more passion and desire to go out and perform tomorrow. We saw each other in the Village. We told each other that we’re both glad that the other had won because we believe that we’re the top two teams in the world and our fans deserve to see a great final. This gold medal match is going to be nothing short of that.
I’m so excited! We made Pimm’s Cup to celebrate! Let’s talk about the game, because we’re in this together!
got my american flag, popcorn, lemonade, war paint, and game face! go pinoe and wambach and the uswnt!
Is the game being shown on television?
NBC will be tape delaying this game, as NBC does. But it’s showing live right now on the internet:
Surprisingly enough, this one isn’t delayed! It’s being shown live on NBC Sports.
eee! you’re right! radical!
Thanks so much! Time for ninety glorious minutes of Alex Morgan
“Rapinoe, with her box of tricks.” – Arlo White.
I’m gonna need this on a shirt.
You BETTER still love Canada.
Go Rapinoe!
So glad that Canada got the bronze – Sincy def deserves a silver for last game
Sinclair was AMAZING in that last game, but I wanted to punch Tancredi a few times.
I kinda wanted to punch Tancredi and make out with her at the same time…
This is me all the time. Only without wanting to punch her, haha.
And by amazing, I mean terrifying. Like, I was legit pretty scared of her.
omg you guys, I am simultaneously excited and scared about this match.
We need to score like five more times until I can breathe a sigh of relief
You can trick NBC a little bit by doing a temporary live streaming pass for two hours. Then maybe if you clear your cookies and us a different email address it might work again…
I feel like I want you to be my best friend and pirating tech support from now on. Arrrrr
And we’re up 1-0 right now! OMG!
I love that this is a rematch of the World Cup final. I know we will prevail this time. Go USA!
Streams online:,-women.html
I am currently in Bangkok, so I stayed up til 2:00am to watch this – but they’re showing platform diving instead! *dying*
THIS IS AN INJUSTICE. Can you find it online?
Internet is too slow! But it’s all good – they cut into the game 30 minutes after it started. Better than nothing!
i would also like to point out how hot the ref is at this time
ooooh they just said she’s from germany
AND a police officer!
Can you tell Zeller and I are watching this game together in our pajamas, eating breakfast, drinking Pimm’s Cup and yelling every time the ball goes ANYWHERE near a net?
i love that this is happening. i am watching it at work, not yelling. technically, though, it is my job to watch this game.
Best. job. ever.
I’m watching it at home alone yelling (and hopefully not waking up my neighbors).
I always wonder what the neighbors think when we’re watching games…
Sarah, Zeller, you should have come to denver. We all watched it at the pub. It was a mini autostraddle meet-up.
And a policewoman!
Apparently I need to stop ignoring the commentary.
Hot, oh yes. She’s also the same woman that reffed the US/Japan World Cup match, according to the commentators.
Day drinking and my little brother yelling HOPE SOLOOOOO. Best day off ever.
I have to keep reminding the nerd in me that it’s inappropriate to yell “WEASLEY IS OUR KING!” every time I get excited.
Whenever I yell things at people or screens, it’s usually “SLAYER !!” or “PANTS OFF !!”
I’m hooked on womens football now, especially since watching TeamGB play Canada live last week. Went and watched Canada win against France today. But I’m rootin for USA to win Gold now
I was there too yesterday! Kind of wished GB had gotten through but always nice to see the french beaten, besides i have a soft spot for short dark haired canadians, matheson’s so small :)
P.s, some of Japans players have unfortunate names “ohno” & “fukumoto” fun for the commentators, speaking of which Sue Smith is so cute!
Number of times saying “oh, no!” when Ohno gets the ball will amuse me? Probably too many.
It’s making me giggle, can’t take it seriously n I’ve only had one jug, I mean glass of Pimms! Oh no, Japans scored, come on USA!!
The Sarahs are having a Pimm’s party.
I can’t live stream on my work computer, so I put the game on the TV in the break room. I must be very thirsty today because I need water approximately every 5 minutes. ;)
Last time I checked NBC was broadcasting water polo! I’ve been following along through tweets. Let me tell you now, not as exciting.
Does the YouTube streaming work in the States, or does NBC have it blocked?
it’s been blocked in the US. but the youtube stream is about 2-3 minutes behind actual action, just fyi.
Good to know! Though I got lucky, ESPN here switched over from diving to the game. Which is just starting the 2nd half!
Take that back, totally found it!! :)
I TAKE THAT BACK I GOT IT TO WORK IN FIREFOX I AM SO EXCITE! Of course it’s halftime right now, but IT WORKS!
I’m watching this in class, which unfortunately cuts down on running around the room screaming “GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL”
Currently watching in a kick arse pub in downtown minneapolis! This place is packed with fellow fans with big time #soccerfeelings. Best way to watch is surrounded by lady living ladies.
my very favourite so far was Brandi Chastain’s commentary on a call against Wambach: “The ref really doesn’t like it when it comes from behind.”
uh huh. you know this how, Brandi?
yes! i heard this!
I am failing my due-in-19-hours dissertation as we speak to watch this.
Hope Solo. Fuck yes. And go on Alex Morgan, do your thing.
(Fuck I love Canada though. Sinclair forever. Also Tancredi’s feelings on that shitty penalty call were the same as mine so we can be mates.)
Holla, Carly Lloyd.
Hat trick, please.
Carli Lloyd! You’re my hero!
What do you think about her nick-name being “Princess”?
Oh, I believe it. Hahaha. Watch her when she gets a call against herself.
Carly Lloyd is killing it!
wOoooooooooooo! Go carli!
Why would you sub OUT Megan Rapinoe? i has a sad. though i’m grateful for that shirt lift as she left the field.
Small victories…
I saw that! Heeeeellloooooo Pinoe six pack….
Two things about Pinoe:
1. I don’t think she got enough recognition for her super hero skills in the Canada game. It was like the Alex Morgan show, which is great bc Morgan scored an amazing goal, but I didn’t see much media talk about Rapinoe’s ridiculous goals.
2. I think Pia wants more consistency from Rapinoe, and pulls her out when she’s not having her best game. We’re just begging for more at this point.
Rapinoe just lifted up her shirt to expose her abs. I need a GIF ahh!
seriously. more of that from the rest of the players, too, please.
Aaaand Wambach’s torso has made an appearance :)
Oh we had the same thought, didn’t we. Hehe.
Great minds think alike, of course!
Maybe she’ll pull a Brandi and rip off her jersey if (/when we hopefully) win?
That might just be more exciting than the win itself… yesplease
Now Abby just lifted hers up! GIFs for everyone!!
I was having this same feeling! I missed it because I had to take a call…damn work interfering with my game watching!
I can’t give you a gif, but I found this on tumblr.
Pinoe lifted her shirt up to wipe her face and THE CROWD GOES WILD
You guys. I’m still nursing my wounds over the Canada/U.S game…:(
Aww…Pinoe’s out. :(
Four for you, Carli Lloyd; you go, Carli Lloyd.
I love Rapinoe!
No, no, nooooooooooo.
Damn it!
“they play a penetrative ball.” -brandi chastain.
will somebody please make a compilation of these amazing snippets of commentary from the olympics?
Japan is starting to make me nervous.
I really want my imaginary girlfriend Alex Morgan to score.
Omg, I am (quietly) watching the live stream via my work pc in my office and I literally screamed when we scored and now everyone thinks I’m nuts…..and they’re right, but I mean….soccer feelings!!
Fouling Wambach; the easiest way to earn American queers’ wrath.
I want to +100 this comment.
I’d like to add a ^100 to that!
I added 1
(I sound like Aly Raisman’s parents, watching this match. It’s so bad)
That is an exceptional analogy!
Bonus points if you also look like them, with that weird stiff body thing they do.
Hahaha, what IS that anyhow?
It’s a dead ringer; I was twisting and ducking and leaning and speaking under my breath in this ridiculous monotone.
That really is pretty creepy.
Score one million for the queers.
Possibly the best ever.
why am i not that soccer ball?
That hip thrust was a religious moment
re the ref talking sternly to carli lloyd: “I want to hear her scold someone. in her hot german accent.”
“pshh. i want to hear her scold me.”
Aaaaand Abby Wambach abs!
ab’s abs.
Abby Wambach just lifted up her shirt. I love this game so much.
HOW DID I MISS THIS?! (good thing we’re recording it!)
Wambach, baby, nooo
Brilliant deflection, brilliant woman.
Oh my Goddess, Hope Solo is making some of the best blocks & catches I have ever seen!!
God Hope Solo is hot.
Hope Solo is a warrior princess, just sayin’.
Hope Solo is Xena.
this is nervewracking
I am stress eating.
yeah we are. also, stress drinking Pimm’s cup.
just looked down to realize i’ve eaten almost an entire pound of baby carrots
I’m pacing in front of my computer, refreshing the Autostraddle thread every five seconds.
Corner kick, corner kick, corner kick
“Foiled by the fingers of Hope Solo.”
No comment…
I wish.
Aw, cute queers in the crowd as well! :)
This game is stressing me the hell out.
Blow the blimmin whistle!! p.s, your goalie Solo is dam cute and amazing goalie!
We’re still doing strong! COME ON GRRRLSS!!
Your avatar is quite appropriate for your comment
Thank you! I’m just so pumped!!
WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOOOOOOOOLLLDDDD!!! That made my day, fo sho!
I’m stuck without a feed in Canada. I gotta say that refreshing this thread is a little bit more interesting than refreshing this
Too late now, but have you tried this?
i would figure it’d work for a Canadian, too?
Haha oh and I’m also at work with videos blocked.
I can’t even.
ALSO, what just happened with pinoe & sydney le roux under that flag???
dammit NBC. why do you not show us anything good?
what did happen, i saw that
camera pans away right as raponie takes her shirt off, not fair…just not fair
Why is there not a Pinoe pile, I request a Pinoe pile.
y’all just saw rapinoe take off her shirt right
Yes, Freddie Mercury, We /are/ the champions.
That was SO worth staying up til 4:00am for. Thanks autostraddlers for keeping me company while I watched the match solo in Bangkok!
That was a great game overall. Japan was great.
GOLD!!!!!! Off to the bar to celebrate!!!
you’re welcome.
omg. abby getting knocked down in her celebratory run. that’s never getting less funny.
Ohhh my gosh, Pinoe crying was the most heart-wrenchingly adorable thing ever.
I might be tearing up a bit.
god bless america.
Abby Wambach’s human-being-ness is making me cry.
Omg I found you!
Surprise! And joy! The internet is smaller than expected.
It shockingly is.
UGH I wish Abby would have victory sex with me. :'(
So for real, who is on the Rapinoe gifs? BuzzFeed? Anyone? Are you there, Internet?
With all due respect to our British friends, (England, after all, has brought us Monty Python) I just watched the game in streaming (because I have 10 channels and none were showing the game) and the British commentators were unbelievably dry and monotonous! In fact their attitude toward the game might best be described as: Mildly interested in what’s ocurring, but only because all the other channels are showing infomercials and the People’s Court so what choice do we have?
This is the GOLD MEDAL MATCH GUYS!! GET EXCITED!!! Maybe this is partially because I’m used to Spanish-speaking commentators who describe everything at the speed of light, but seeeeriously!!
probably because our usual soccer matches are so fucking boring anyone in that job over here has lost the will to be excited about it.
Well, I thought they seemed engaged and involved; from a British perspective. Also Lucy is from Yorkshire: this is significant. I think what you are hearing is mainly culture.
You do hear a little more excitement from commentators in UK “home” team games but the energy and hyperbole in Spanish speaking commentary, in my experience, is something else. It’s fun, but a bit much, to my ears.
I would like to say that I am very proud to have grown up in Northern California, and thus, in the same region as Megan Rapinoe. I HAVE BEEN TO REDDING MANY TIMES. Ahhhhhh.
commentator: “thanks to hope solo and her big hands.”
that’s what she said.
ahahaha. One of the British commentators said something like “Solo’s strong fingers save the US squad” and I couldn’t help but snicker.
YES!!!!!!!!! WE WON!!!! WE WON GOLD!
(Also, why are the Japanese crying? They’re world champions, they won gold in Beijing…and they got the silver here! They still did fantastic wth?)
Well, for starters, they’ve never won an olympic medal period, this is their first time on the podium (they finished fourth in Beijing). Secondly, they just lost a game they could’ve won with a little bit of luck and/or better refereeing. I think the crying is justified.
Okay I think I was mistaken about who won gold before. I thought I heard one of the commentators say they had. Never mind then.
Also how was it referring that cost them the game?
They weren’t awarded one very clear penalty kick (a handball by Heath), and there was another debatable situation in the goal area.
I’m surprised we don’t hear more about it, considering the Canada match and refereeing led to heated debates, whereas this game, with a far less questionable penalty kick (the US got a penalty kick they maybe shouldn’t have gotten, as opposed to Japan not getting one when they definitely should have), didn’t get the same critical treatment.
I admit I’m a Japan fan, and if nothing else I wish they’d at least lost in a game without major refereeing mistakes.
They were great, and so positive at the ceremony, but they just lost the final, perhaps the last for some of their players…does it really need explaining?
Perhaps it’s football culture: there’s only one cup to win in a cup final.
GOLD !!!!!
oh man how did I not check AS earlier to share my feels ?
Also I hope someone giffed all the shirt lifts
Can we discuss the weird purple hat?
For gifs etc:
Because I’m not following enough tumblrs already
OMG you guys I just watched the game at fucking Hooters with
two straight sexist dudes and they basically ruined the game
for me. Also Hooters is fucking trashy. I DVR’d the game so
hopefully I’ll be able to watch it again this time without
My girl Carli Lloyd scored TWICE in this game and scored the
winning goal in the 2008 olympics. You guys I hope we can get
this new Women’s league they were just talking about because we need it.
Also I had a dream last night about Abby Wambach. She was training
me to be a soccer star. It was awesome. Just saying..!!!
I loved this guy:
I didn’t mean for this to be a reply….
“Then in the opening seconds of the second half Solo fisted away…” – LA Times
oh, yes. yes yes yes.
My wiiiiiife! You know… in my dreams.
I would like to officially apologize to my future daughter, Morgan Wambach Rapinoe Hart.
Don’t you mean Lloyd Morgan Wambach Rapinoe Hart?
I watched this game at work with a coworker. Rapinoe taking her shirt off was glorious and i cranked my head to get a better look as the camera was moving away from her. Shame on your cameraman or lady. Did you see her fall when she was trying to get the flags? So cute. So cute sums up everything about her.
and i present to you: ab’s abs.
thank god for gifs.
wait, why did it disappear?
Congrats to the USA from Canada! Even if I’ll never ever ever ever get over that delay of game call, ever.
And I will never get over Tancredi stepping on Lloyd’s face deliberately and getting away with it. Along with her 8 other fouls she got away with without getting the red card. It evened out in the end, maybe?
All-in-all, a couple of brilliant football games that I loved watching both for the sport and for the lovely ladies involved.
The non-call on the step to Lloyd’s head wouldn’t have made a difference in the score though, I’m not defending what Tancredi in anyway it was definitely low, but the step certainly couldn’t have been too bad if Lloyd managed to score twice today and lead the USA in a victory over Japan for gold. But yeah the USA and Canada both had incredible tournaments and we should all be very proud of these ladies :)
i would´n normally cheer for the U.S, and it still bothers me that you gus call it soccer, but WHAT A TEAM!
BY FAR, te best team at this moment, congrats!
i woke up at 8, jus for this match.
Its August- I don’t have AC. My Wambach t-shirt is soaked from all the jumping, happy-dancing, and feelings. What an awesome run they had! BEST! So pumped! So excited! So proud! So dehydrated! Wooooo!
So many feelings…My heart hurts and is bursting with American pride.
I TRULY love this team and the inspiration they provide… Not just chasing your dream and succeeding in sports, but generally – just persevering in life.
(and it’s also an awesome bonus that the team is full of hotties).
I’m pretttty sure this match just broke Tumblr.
I’m bummed that I missed this game but SO EXCITED to watch it Saturday night with a cute girl who recorded it so we could watch it after we go out for dinner. Score.
It’s going to be even better now that I know the US won! Ahhhh I can’t wait to watch it.
holy props to that girl. ima do that next year. best date idea ever.
Well I missed this as the game was going on, (too many #soccerfeelings I guess) but, I would like to take this opportunity to serve my own socially relevant needs.
USWNT will be playing Australia on September 16 in Carson, CA which juuuuust so happens to coincide with the end of A-Camp. Tickets are not on sale yet but I would like to hereby organize this as a thing, and I’d like you to come with me!! (Bonus: Pinoe and Walshy on field action?)
OK tickets go on sale on August 16th if you are paying via a Visa card and on the 17th if not. Can we please make this a think? I don’t want to go aloooooone.
In one of the unsafest things I’ve ever done, I streamed the game on my phone and watched it while driving 75 mph on the freeway
OMG YOU GUYS I HAD WORK ALL DAY! :(((((((( no hot soccer for me but I will watch it tomorrow? There will be lots of inappropriate squeeing going on.
Check this out! Megan with her GF :)
Probably the cutest thing I have seen in a long time! <3
There are no words… I keep tearing up reading about this team and seeing the emotion on their faces. I am elated for these girls and don’t want this to end. Someone at work asked if I was ok and I snapped back “Allergies!” #lies #soccerfeelings
Brb reblogging the entire USWNT tag on Tumblr. Because I know no other way to express my affection for these fantastic women. Other than stalking Megan Rapinoe, and that would be inappropriate (well, hopefully).
Ugh, how come we can never have nice things without racist jerks raining on our parade:
The awesome ladies on both teams do not deserve this. Clearly some people get off Twitter and read a fucking history book.
UGH. For serious, this is why we can’t have nice things. WTF America?! Why do people keep making us look bad? Gah, I can’t even.
I was just thinking about how the Olympics are great because everybody comes together and cheers for everyone, and forgets for a while about war and hate. And now it’s ruined. Goddammit people, stop sucking so much.
I was lucky enough to be at this game… greatest thing of my life. So many feelings!
I just want to be best friends with the whole team.