If there’s one thing I love more than stories about women with swords and also dragons, it’s — nothing, actually. I don’t love anything more than stories about women with swords and also dragons. Unfortunately, Game of Thrones, the most popular TV series of the past decade, which featured plenty of both, was completely unwatchable to me because of the way it endlessly tortured every lady in every land. The writers never managed to give a convincing reason why all the sexual assault was necessary; they just kept saying it was, you know, realistic for the time period. The time period of MAKE BELIEVE. And so, it is with deep trepidation that I tell you HBO’s prequel, House of the Dragon, which landed this week, is hinting at love between two queers. Love that was confirmed by some of the show’s leads.
Our esteemed Culture Editor, Shelli Nicole, loves this new series already and is going to give you the full rundown you’re jonesing for next week — but, for now, let me tell you about these queers.

Right, so all of Emily Dickinson’s most erotic poetry was written TO Sue — but literally erased from history!
Emily Carey, who is queer IRL and plays young Alicent Hightower, read House of the Dragon‘s pilot and knew, “as a queer woman,” that Alicent had a thing for young Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. In “The Heirs of the Dragon,” the two canoodle like all queer middle school gal pals do: heads in laps; sweet, stolen glances; buttoning each other’s regal clothings up and down. They’re the only two young women in the Red Keep, which I don’t have any experience with, but I do know what it’s like to be best friends with the only other lesbian on your Little League team, so probably it’s similar. So charged, so fraught, so gentle and angry and fragile and perfect. There’s nothing else like it.
All of the actors who play Alicent and Rhaenyra have spoken about their relationship. Casey said the relationship “toes the line between platonic and romantic.” Milly Alcock, who plays young Rhaenyra, says it’s “a tactile closeness and emotional closeness.” Olivia Cooke, who plays adult Alicent, says their relationship is “intense” and “throwing all their emotions” at each other. And Emma D’arcy, who plays adult Rhaenyra, says their relationship is “erotic.” So, yeah, like I said, just like being a 14-year-old lesbian on a softball team. Almost old enough to drive, nowhere near old enough to process all those FEELINGS.
On the whole, reception to House of the Dragon has been mixed. While the writers have said they’re not going to go all in on rape like the original, they don’t plan to shy away from brutalizing women. Aja Romano over at Vox contextualizes the pilot’s violent birth scene within a modern reproductive justice conversation: “The show wants us to understand that this is a world where women’s choices and even their bodily autonomy are severely limited. It’s a world that has abruptly become identical to ours in one respect: in post-Roe America, the state can now prioritize the life of the unborn child over the life of the mother.” In a word, it is, “torture.”
It’ll be interesting to see where the series takes Alicent and Rhaenyra’s relationship. At least we know they both survive their young love, for now, because the adult versions of them are also on the show. Keeping them alive is literally the least House of the Dragon can do.
I was hoping you would cover this! Looking forward to Shelli Nicole’s coverage.
Why do you guys watch such sexist shows?
Because things do not have to be morally perfect to be enjoyable or interesting.
I wouldn’t call being turned off by sexism a high moral bar Vita.
I don’t know we’re on website who defend Batwoman while never talking about the clear erasure of Jewish culture happening during the whole show so …
You’re right that it’s not a high bar, still disagree though. People enjoy some things BECAUSE they contradict their own real-life morals. It’s compelling and I’d argue potentially useful for entertainment to provide a playground for the darker parts of our natures. I’m never going to flense someone because I watch GoT, I think the majority of the audience can separate out the sexist influence from their real lives too.
Personally I enjoy AS reviews when they review and discuss these elements of the shows at length? If it’s a popular show where any LGBT rep is gonna be discussed by the public more broadly, I like being able to read at least one review that won’t just gloss over any sexist or racist elements in the show, and where if it does, the commenters will usually pick up on it. I think only reviewing things that are unproblematic in every way wouldn’t allow for broader discussion of those pieces of media amongst the marginalised people they harm.
See also, I’m glad AS reviewed Wynonna Earp even though personally I found the fanbase overwhelmingly willing to write off the show’s racism because they got to see their white faves get together. I personally found Valerie Anne’s reviews too uncritical and saccharine – but then AS also publishes Dickens’ comics which called out this culture around WE. AS reviewing the show allows for critical discussion in the comments, which I think is cool, and the same is true here.
I’m not gonna watch HOTD for the same reasons you’re not, but on the off chance it does something radically different to its predecessors, I might be willing to give it a shot. I won’t know until I read reviews from writers invested in the same or similar causes as me, and critical comments from readers of those reviews.
I just know there’s so much untouched grass in your general vicinity
This is a Game of Thrones prequel based on a book so don’t expect anything positive to happen to anybody ever or your feelings are really going to be hurt.
It’s GoT.
I can see Alicent marrying Rhaenyra’s father, King Viserys I.
There are already clues in the first episode.
I agree and it is very unlikely but they could still fu#k on the side while fighting for the throne.
I could see a Catra/Adora style relationship without the third act where they get together. Which is obviously not what people want from a comfort watch, but nothing with anything to do with Martin is a comfort anything. Personally I’ve had plenty of repressed, intense, erotically charged, closeted friendships go south in explosive ways so I’m not mad about seeing that play out!
Chef’s kiss/fisting emoji for the brilliant article headline. 🤌
I ain’t “queer” I’m a lesbian…jes sayin’
That’s nice, what does that have to do with anything?
They’re the only two young women in the Red Keep, which I don’t have any experience with, but I do know what it’s like to be best friends with the only other lesbian on your Little League team, so probably it’s similar.
The extended family tree gives me no hope of a queer relationship between the two. I won’t spoil it, but you can find it on Google should you want to see it.
Yeah… I also don’t have much hope for them, unfortunately :/
If only this story was about princess Rhaena…
I definitely turned to my gf while watching their scenes and asked, was that gay? Ha
The looks that Alicent gives Rhaenyra remind me of the looks that Sue gives Emily (in Dickinson).
Maybe because both of those actresses are queer IRL?
Whatever that look is though, it gives me strong lesbian longing vibes.