Oh Hey! It’s Alyssa is a biweekly web comic series by Alyssa!

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A. is a totally complete incomplete paraplegic and thirty-something hanky-in-the-pocket cartoonist weirdo!
A. has written 69 articles for us.
Love it!
(That thing where people Of A Certain Age say girlfriend when they mean platonic friend and friend when they mean your partner.)
(and trust that if you walk with a limp or – dare i even go there – use wheels for legs or other medical accomodations, anybody with you is a friend or a caretaker. woof.)
Loved it. <3
I had to go through this when I was apartment shopping. It gets annoying. Eventually my partner and I just had fun with all the questions and intrusion into our personal life. This was very enjoyable. Can’t wait to read the next one :)
If it helps, I’m working on a manuscript for a book! Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!
Just wanted to say I absolutely love this series and super excited to hear you’re working on a manuscript for a book! Thank you for sharing these slices of your life with us!
People are always asking my wife and me if we’re twins. ?? the annoyance we feel is just paramount.
Ugh. I’ve gotten this with most every girlfriend. The worst was being at a faculty event where a visiting professor asked if my girlfriend was my daughter.
I love this! I went back and read the first two, and I can’t wait for the next one!!
No one has ever asked if my girlfriend is my sister. Perks of being in an interracial relationship, I guess
I really love that you included about people with ” wheels”! Thanks for that!
Hah, I’ve had it both ways – people thinking my girlfriend is my sister but then people also thinking my sister is my girlfriend – I look a lot more like my gf than my sister :p
Great comic, thanks!