“Oh Hey! It’s Alyssa” is a biweekly web comic by Alyssa!
Oh Hey! It’s Alyssa #18: Cropping Out the Sad

A. Andrews
A. is a totally complete incomplete paraplegic and thirty-something hanky-in-the-pocket cartoonist weirdo!
A. has written 69 articles for us.
This a gorgeous, brave piece of art you have created here, my friend. Thank you for always sharing so much of your heart and your relentless hope with us.
This was poignant; made my heart ache for you. Wishing you healing and happier days ahead.
Ohhhh my heart. Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s hitting home for me in so many ways.
I love your comics so much and I’m so grateful for you. Here’s to the next chapter. <3
Mmm what a true and honest feeling.
Damn, Alyssa.
I’m sorry.
I wish love were a fairytale that works out for at least some of us, otherwise it’s too hard to keep believing in it.
I wish you nothing but happiness and calm of heart and mind once you’re back among the trees and the rain.
P.S.:That Uhaul picture is one of the saddest things ever.
Oh Alyssa. Sending <3 <3 <3. Thank you for sharing. I wish you many adventures in the PNW!
This is beautiful and generous and sad. I’m so sorry that you’re hurting, but so glad that you’ve given us this iconic piece of art out of it. I want to print it out for any/all inevitable heartbreaks. Also, the idea that even Beyonce isn’t immune to the pitfalls of love is SO GOOD and so true, gah.
Aww Alyssa, I’m so sorry. Me too, these days; feeling this comic so hard.
Come visit the Bay sometime—I’m not from around here originally so I don’t say “freeway,” but your comics are rad and we could be friends :D
This was beautiful, thank you for sharing. Wait what do people say instead of freeway? Highway or something else? I’m from SoCal where we only know it as freeway also.
yeah! Highway and expressway! it’s bananas!
but a highway is something different! it’s a highway! fewer lanes, lower speed limits…
and isn’t an expressway called that because you pay? i thought express ways were tolled and freeways were, well, free. except for the bridges :-D
i don’t even know. i just know i call everything a freeway. haha
I think you are right on those points, plus I think highways also contain stoplights. I know PCH(Pacific Coast Highway) has two to three lanes(depending on what part you are driving on) with various speed limits, anywhere from 40-55mph. In fact in Long Beach PCH is more like a regular street(and no ocean view).
I thought if you had to pay it was either called a toll road or a single driver in a toll road, not an expressway.
Oh also the “it’s hard not to think I’m just too much” thing that many of us go through – during my last breakup a couple of months ago, someone on AS linked me to a piece of writing that REALLY helped me with that. Who was it? I’m sorry I don’t remember! Dear friend, whoever it was, will you link it here?
I would be really interested in this!
Was it this one?
Yes, Chandra! Specifically the parts about obsessive thinking. Knowing that nearly every person, during a breakup, thinks “this is because I am broken” made me feel much, much better – because not all of us can truly be broken, or maybe every human is broken, but every single one of us can’t possibly have fundamental secret flaws that make us undateable, so the fact that we all think we do must mean…I don’t. Or something! :-D
Also the stuff about your heartbreak making you open to feeling in general – I really liked the idea of that and it helped to think of my pain as, not pain really, but more an intense sensation, like being open and raw, which could be good in many ways. I wrote a lot of bad poetry because of that article ;-)
I’m so glad it helped! I bought her whole book when I went through a bad breakup a couple years ago and thought I was going to die of heartbreak, and it was a lifesaver. It prompted me to do lots and lots of journaling, including a list of reasons I was better off not being in that relationship that I reread every time I needed a reminder. Bad poetry and emo journaling to the rescue!
Thank you.
Ouch ☝️ Sending love
But welcome back to Portland. Hopefully you’ll find some wonderful new things while you’re here.
Welcome (back) to Portland! We’re more than happy to have you. You’re just in time for the beautiful Portland summer :) Sending you lots of love and care and same-pace walking friends.
Thank you for this touching and incredibly personal piece. It’s a very emotional and beautiful addition to your comic series.
This is so beautiful.
My partner broke up with me a few days ago too, and I was hurting so much… Thank you for sharing your feelings in a beautiful piece of art. I have no words of comfort that aren’t cliches, but I hope you feel better soon.
Aww I’m so sorry Alyssa :( but this was so beautiful.
Yes, not even Beyonce is immune…
Loads of love and hugs <3
I’m so sorry. :( Thank you for sharing this piece!
Also in Jersey it’s highway, parkway, expressway or turnpike. I don’t think I ever hear freeway!
heartbreak is the worst
wishing you lots of love!
Sending lots of hugs and boxes of take out food :)