Oh Hey! It’s Alyssa is a biweekly web comic series by Alyssa!
Oh Hey! It’s Alyssa #10: The Gay Moms Mafia
Related:oh hey it's alyssa

A. Andrews
A. is a totally complete incomplete paraplegic and thirty-something hanky-in-the-pocket cartoonist weirdo!
A. has written 69 articles for us.
This is awesome! Visibly Queer legacy fams are badass (although I truly believe we all have queer relatives present or past in our family trees right?). Your comic and cohesive storytelling is truly a gem ?
To be completely honest, I actually don’t! I have a very very small known “family” tree, and for the most part only have contact with my incredible ally but super heteronormative sister and her husband and kids. haha. A significant piece of my life story is that I grew up fairly alone and fairly “anonymous” (in terms of knowing my family history, or culture, etc). So falling into this amazing family unit of women who supported one another through a time that was even harder to live in and raise families as queer women is such an inspirational and lucky thing to have in my life.
They have been amazing support systems and proof that family is defined by the love we share, and not necessarily the genes we share!
Thanks for the kind words, friend! I am infinitely grateful. Cheers!
where do I sign up for the gay mom mafia?
I don’t know but I’ll do my absolute best to find out. I want in on that too. Every time I wear a flannel home, they all tease me about my “beav” shirt and my heart grows even bigger.
This was great, as always! Thank you Alyssa :)
I’ve also been wanting to say for a while, thank you autostraddle for bringing on new regular comics (foolish child + oh hey it’s alyssa *in addition to* saturday morning cartoons). They’re a really great way of absorbing information easily and they just make me really happy!!! And I’m sure they involve so so so much work in ways I can’t even imagine (I don’t do visual-art-stuff at all, not even a little bit) so I am in awe of all of your abilities to make such great stuff all the time! Thank you!!
Blocks of black texts don’t usually make for good comic strips, hence the visual language of the medium.
thanks for the feedback!
Good comics use visuals to convey ideas that are more universal or ideas that a better described through visuals. Yeah, it’s a little more text heavy this time around. However, if you take the time to dissect the combination of text, visuals, and even lack of gutters you will see that the comic functions just as well as a good comic. The problem might be how the comic flows. Lack of gutters can jumble up the flow and I’m willing to be if there was more white space between ideas, it would look less text heavy. Space is crucial. But hey, it’s just my opinion.
Ain’t no opinion.
Ya boy’s an artist; this chick a passive aggressive nerd.
Yeah it’s kind of like an infographic :) I really like it!