Feature image of Cinnamon Maxxine and Amani Luxe in Crash Pad Series episode 243. All of the photographs in this NSFW Sunday are courtesy of the Crash Pad Series. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If you’re a photographer or model and think your work would be a good fit for NSFW Sunday, please email carolyn at autostraddle dot com.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

Cinnamon Maxxine and Amani Luxe in Crash Pad Series episode 243
+ We need queer-inclusive sex education:
“‘Often times, students will check out of sex ed if it doesn’t reflect them,’ said Taylor Stein, the program specialist of OASOS, an initiative for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and asexual youth offered by the the Boulder County, Colorado, health department. ‘We need to empower kids to make decisions, and when they do that, to make healthy decisions.'”

Rain and Rose in Crash Pad Series episode 242
+ What does your astrological sign say about what you’re like to date (or break up with)?
+ Just unfollow your ex, yes on every single platform, and if you can’t, take Samantha Irby’s advice for dealing with it.
+ Or consider a breakup consultant, whether you’re initiating a breakup or recovering from one.
+ Also change what you smell like. “Loneliness can look a lot like independence if you have a flight booked, or orchestra-level seats, or a new leather jacket,” writes Joe Wadlington at Racked. “This is where I got hooked on the idea of smelling differently. I could build a new life on a cloud of cologne.”

Chocolate Chip and Nikki Darling in Crash Pad Series episode 152
+ Clean your sex toys. Before and after.
+ “Shocking and seductive in equal measure, Odiseo forces you to question your own sexual realities – whether you want to or not,” writes Elizabeth Coop on the erotic magazine Odiseo.
+ “Part of the value of r/Relationships is how it allows you to analyze your own,” writes Jaya Saxena at Elle.
+ If you have a vagina and get more UTIs during the summer, try staying hydrated, spending less time hanging out in a wet bathing suit, and peeing in the ocean. Also, you don’t need to highlight your vulva.
+ Some cynical talk about opening your relationship: “Humans aren’t built for happiness, but it’s good to have unattainable goals in life.”
+ Want to grow out your pubic hair? The beginning is the worst, switch to cotton underwear for a little while, moisturize, and if you trim make sure you do it with good lighting and a mirror.
+ Babeland sold to Good Vibrations.
+ Workers at the Pleasure Chest are trying to unionize.
+ What do thousands of strangers want in their sex lives? Mostly, permission to be themselves.

Surgeon and Maggie McMuffin in Crash Pad Series episode 241
+ Consider, if you will, the assless panties:
“You’ll find assless panties in many a lingerie shop, often decorated with delicate lace and bows, sometimes dominatrix-like straps. They’re marketed as underwear for when you’re feeling a little frisky, but I also really appreciate them for their practical, anti-wedgie applications. It’s about function and fashion, people. While of course, it’s fun for whoever you’re romancing to peel off your bottoms only to find that your butt is on full display, the fact that I can count on a pair of underwear to never give me that annoying feeling is priceless. “Why not just wear regular underwear that fits well?” you ask. Oh, I do. Most days, even. But they just don’t feel as special. What can I say, lingerie will do that to you.”

Golden Curlz and Papí Coxxx in Crash Pad episode 236
How would you even highlight your vulva? I’m so confused by that.
Having done flat work (filling colors in an outlined illustration) have a guess and it makes cringe a bit.
*coughs like some delicate flower*
I think they mean ouvert panties. Assless is just so déclassé and ever so dull. Also it sounds rather like a horrid accident rather than lingerie.
Has anyone ever seen a vagina and gone eww… its just not shimmery enough?