Feature of Jayogen and Mia Li in Crash Pad Series episode 215. All of the photographs in this NSFW Sunday come from CrashPadSeries.com. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If you’re a photographer or model and think your work would be a good fit for NSFW Sunday, please email carolyn at autostraddle dot com.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

Lea Hart and Mona Wales in Crash Pad Series episode 198
+ At the Rumpus, Jennifer Elliot writes about holding intensity as part of a BDSM experience, BDSM as “a loop of erotic desire and satisfaction,” the power of having a safeword you can choose to use or not and being beaten with a bull pizzle as a moment of realization:
“I’d found something big enough to fit my trauma into, a form comparable, finally, to its size and unwieldy power. Where the trauma was enormous, roiling, and too big to comprehend, this sensation was precise, tangible, yet just as large. Finally, something that matched its caliber, in just a split second. It was a searing pain so big that I had to try to take it apart and feel its nature in slices: first there was the initial fire, then the wash of that fire up through my head, and down to my toes. Localized, then universal, that one whack ignited my entire nervous system in one big bang. It was relief. I’d never felt the nerves in me as such a complete network before. Not until then had it ever been so lit up.
There were nineteen more strikes.”

Valentine and Calico in Crash Pad Series episode 232
+ At Oh Joy Sex Toy, Vicky Leta discusses mental illness and dating.
+ Morning sex is most common at 9 am on a Sunday.
+ It’s totally normal to experience pain during penetrative vaginal sex.

Chocolate Chip and Eros LaFemme in Crash Pad Series episode 219
+ When you’re over porn clichés or not seeing bodies that look like yours represented, check out these websites instead:
“[T]he fact that the porn industry has a lot to answer for is unignorable. Male pleasure often takes priority over the female orgasm, the bodies of PoC, queer and trans people are usually either erased or fetishised and rape fantasies can be stumbled upon with just one accidental click of a rogue pop-up. Increasingly, though, a new wave of directors, actors and activists are looking to rectify these archaic narratives, presenting intersectional celebrations of sex in all its glory.”
+ Plus, Autostraddle queer porn favorite and affiliate the Crash Pad Series, seen all over this post, is donating 50% of its membership sales today, February 5, to the American Civil Liberties Union. Use the coupon code “COMETOGETHER” for 15% off a membership.

Mistress Kara and Stefani Special in Crash Pad Series episode 220
+ Hater, a new dating app that launches February 8, lets you connect with people over mutual dislikes:
“A swipe-based app, Hater first has you swipe down for hate, up for love, right for like, and left for dislike or opt out for neutral [on over 2,000 topics] right now — including Donald Trump, gluten-free, camping, marijuana, butt selfies, and Taylor Swift as a person — and eventually, the plan is to add user-generated topics. […] After swiping through for a bit, you can see your matches, with each percentage determined by your shared dislikes.
Aside from being a gimmicky angle into the dating-app market, there are some past scientific studies that show Hater might be onto something. […] In one study, participants were asked to list one thing they liked and one thing they disliked about a fictitious character named Brad. Then they were told they would meet someone who either liked or disliked the same thing about Brad. The study found that ‘people who expected to meet a stranger felt closer to this person when they believed that they shared a negative — as opposed to a positive — attitude about a man named Brad.’”

Brooklyn Flack and Papi Coxxx in Crash Pad Series episode 144
SOLD on the hater app.
My mum told me that it’s wrong to hate anyone today (to make this comment even more British, it was after I said I hated football referees). I was like ‘pretty sure everyone hates someone/something’
So yeah bonding over mutual hates sounds fun :)
Thanks for the Crash Pad tip! I adore and am so thankful for their work. I’ve been considering a membership for a while and went ahead and bought a year-long one today!
Definitely just added the Hater app to my exhaustive list of dating apps. I’m just too curious.
Aaaaand on my very first move on Hater I accidentally swiped “Love” for “build the wall”. This is really gonna fuck up my options…
Okay thank goodness, there is an in-app function for switching things and changing your mind. Phew. That is so much worse than accidentally liking someone you didn’t actually like on Tinder.
In case anyone was wondering, Hater users are 10% pro-wall, and 70% anti-wall. Unless that 10% of people is entirely made up of people like me who can’t tell up from down and accidentally swiped “Love”.
Hey @queergirl, I think I need a comment award for this thread. This has been a rather traumatic experience.
Well, this story was a delight to follow. +10 for the excellent narrative arc, and +20 for nominating yourself for a therapeutic comment award. Self-care comes first.
I can see the Hater app doing really well. I managed to get along with a woman that hated me and made my friend stop talking to me. We tried the whole, we have stuff in common approach but it felt like I was in a competition with her and we were getting no where. We both found out that we hate my friend’s ex and hate other similar things and now we do get a long. I mean, there is still a lot of tension but all the hating is what allowed us to find common ground that was stable enough to talk about other stuff.
I like Crash Pad series but I almost wonder if the owners would make more money if they moved out of the most expensive place in the US. San Francisco, sorry but that city is too expensive for anyone but a dotcom millionaire. And I bet all of the actors don’t even live in the city. Probably live within two to three hours of it. What I am getting at is why not stage a crashpad event in other cities. Basically where you have large populations of lgbt folks to tap into. Who knows with other directors you could have crash pad series in other cities as competition or in addition to. Then you can use the stars in other cities if you so choose to.
I like the idea but I think they might be wary because of the accountability issues. With only one reliable director and familiar, controlled sets there are limited problems. Having someone else who might take advantage of the actors or make them feel unsafe, make questionable decisions and not being able to do anything about in the moment may be a problem as it with any franchise location. Maybe in the future the costs will become too high and they’ll change but until then I think they’re willing to sacrifice more money for comfort and control.