NSFW Sunday Gets Fired Up About Redheads and Numbers

Welcome to NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday! Here are some girls with red hair:


+ Girlfriends Films has released Lesbian Sex 2, featuring four-hours of Elexis Monroe, Sinn Sage, Ela Darling, Jiz Lee, Savannah Steele, Melissa Monet, Dyanna Lauren and Hayden Hawkens. According to the AVN:

“‘Highly recommended,’ declares XCritic.com reviewer, Apache Warrior, about Lesbian Sex. ‘For people who love genuine and personal lovemaking moments on screen, this film is filled with it. The tone for each performance is set up perfectly during the conversational portion of the scenes. As a matter of fact, the energy level and personal behavior between the ladies easily transforms nicely when their lovemaking actions begin. By that time, the viewer has gained a good sense of their attraction towards one another and how deeply it is based on each pair’s personal circumstances.'”

Via lesfemmes.tumblr.com

+ The number of people you (or anyone else) have slept with does not matter:

“There are practical reasons for discussing sexual history, protecting yourself from STDs, and preventing pregnancy chief among them. Discussing is one thing, judging is a different matter. I know how much thought I put into my own sexual decision-making, and how my upbringing, values, health, and emotional state factor into how I think about my own sexual history (and future!). If I told you my number, I’m sure there are people who would say it’s too high, and some who would say it’s too low, and some who would project all sorts of fire and brimstone for reasons I can’t understand. The fact is, none of them know what they’re talking about.”

via queerbrownxx.tumblr.com

+ Feminist sex toy shop Smitten Kitten has released a series of educational porn. Their first release, which is free and streamable, features videos on cunnilingus, the g-spot and female ejaculation, a strap-on tutorial, and choosing a dildo. Smitten Kitten says:

“We are so fucking proud of these! Free, accessible, honest, smart sexual education is a vital part of our mission and vision for a safer, more pleasure-filled world. Be sure to notice the sexy communication between the actors. Featured here are wonderful examples of explicit sex talk, good consent and direction between lovers — things everyone can always do better! Also notice the seamless use of sex toys and safer sex barriers. Once you’re good and worked up, please go try some of these things at home!”

Via pussylequeer.tumblr.com

+ This is what it’s like being an art model:

“Humility, and a de-investment of my ego in their perceptions and opinions were an essential and unexpected consequence. I’d go insane if I worried about how anyone saw or depicted me, and what becomes obvious is that what they depict has as much or more to do with them than me in any case. I remain the same, yet all their drawings and paintings and sculptures somehow show something different each time. It really is about them — not me.”

Via fuckyeahdykes.tumblr.com

+ What the “x” at the end of your email comes from:

“Many people in Medieval Times couldn’t read or write. However, even if you couldn’t read a sentence an “x” was pretty easy to read, as well as to write. For many people, especially those who couldn’t write, an “x” was akin to a signature and it was also usual to kiss your signature. Signing a letter with an “x” was a way of binding and a sign of honesty.”

via queerbrownxx.tumblr.com

+ 92% of the chart-topping songs in 2009 were about sex. Unsurprisingly? Country music focussed mostly on commitment (probably because of Taylor Swift); pop won out in “fidelity assurance”; and R&B won in the sex appeal and sexual prowess theme categories.

+Esquire has named Rihanna the sexiest woman alive. Regardless of what you think about their categorization, mostly naked photos!

via suicide girls

Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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  1. I have SUCH A THING for redheads, and am having a horrid day of writing papers, so this post is MAGIC.

  2. Also guys you that are of age should definitely be watching those Smitten Kitten educational porn videos like right now. Because Dylan Ryan is a HOTTIE.

  3. I don’t want to be that person, but how could you leave Karen Gillan out of your hot redhead gallery? As a member of the Doctor Who ASS group I’m offended.
    On a positive note #26 wow

  4. this is just further prove that my now almost 9-year-old sister is a big gaymo, too. today she created a mii with red hair and glasses and called her lia. cause red hair and big glasses are cool. SO GAY.

  5. This gallery. It’s better than birthdays. It’s better than Christmas.

    This NSFW Sunday just became my favorite holiday.

  6. I haven’t been on the site in months due to nursing school (not by choice but because I barely have time to breathe) but when this little gem scrolled across my facebook page I had to make a quick return.

  7. I love redheads. Red hair in general. I wish I were born a redhead. I’m always debating whether to dye my (naturally brown) hair.

  8. *jaw drops* This is the best NSFW Sunday ever. Ever. You are enabling my ginger fetish like crazy. :)

  9. First of all, I’m super happy to hear that Girlfriends films is finally putting out lesbian porn with a) actual lesbians in it and b) believable story lines and lovemaking. i did a project on lesbian porn in college and that company was my well-researched (ha) example of everything NOT to do and everything wrong with lesbian porn. so this is good news!

    also my straight bff called me up the other day freaking out about her number of guys she’s slept with…the panic totally induced by this film’s trailer. despite the fact that she’s been in a committed relationship for 6 years, she thinks that 20 is just wayyyyy too many and she thinks her boyfriend judges her (which he doesn’t). it’s moments like these when i feel especially lucky to be a lesbian, because i could be wrong her, but i don’t think numbers are nearly as important in our community.

    also…educational sex videos! it’s about TIME

  10. how did you know i am madly in love with redheads??? thank you so much for that gallery!

    also, i will have to agree with everyone else, re: karen gillan. she’s hands down my biggest celebrity crush.

    also also, two words: GILLIAN. ANDERSON. XD

  11. So I finally plucked up the courage to talk to the cute girl at the coffee store, and well, it was going good but then I ran out of things to say, and totes just ran away when she wasn’t looking!

    Now I just feel so awful/awkward and sitting in a secluded park looking at 50 pictures of redheads to calm me down. Thank you, Autostraddle, for being that friend in a pinch, holding our hands when we feel like our baby gay hearts are about to burst. The metaphorical hole is much more soothing when there’s pictures of Kathryn Prescott involved!

  12. So I finally plucked up the courage to talk to the cute girl at the coffee store, and well, it was going good but then I ran out of things to say, and totes just ran away when she wasn’t looking!

    Now I just feel so awful/awkward and sitting in a secluded park looking at 50 pictures of redheads to calm me down. Thank you, Autostraddle, for being that friend in a pinch, holding our hands when we feel like our baby gay hearts are about to burst. The metaphorical hole is much more soothing when pictures of Kathryn Prescott are involved!

      • Too gay to function?

        It’s a serious condition that will not go away because it’s not a bad thing, it’s like synesthesia or predicting weather with your breasts.

        Your story was adorable and really gay, loved it.

  13. I used to have a collage of redhaired girls on my wall. Lily Cole, Florence Welch and Alysson Hannigan featured quite prominently.

    Now I have red hair so I feel like it would be weird to carry that on, but I appreciate this post a whole lot.

  14. I was beginning to think the girls weren’t into redheads. Good to know that’s not the case. There maybe hope for me yet. Oh, and my votes are for #15 and #44.

  15. Smitten Kitten is in Minneapolis. I bought my first strap on there. They are the best. YAY MINNEAPOLIS!

    • I got laid after a strapon class there. Apparently it was good foreplay?

      I will always hold it fondly in my heart, partially because of that.

  16. Yay, redheads! I miss having red hair. When I was a little kid, I had the best copper penny red hair. Then as I got older, it faded to this blah brown shade. Boo.

  17. Oh gorgeous. But I always feel a bit weird about looking at redheaded girls, because my sister is a ginger… kind of puts me off. xD

    • My little brother feels the same way, he’s told me I ruined redheads and lesbians for him. Suckkaaaaaa.

  18. Alyson Hannigan and Gillian Anderson. Where are they.

    BUT SERIOUSLY, this gallery is amazing — I’ve definitely got a thing for redheads. All my serious (read: stalkery) celeb ladycrushes have been redheads. See above.

    This would have been the highlight of my night, but I just got back from a Janelle Monae concert… Which was so fucking amazing I can’t even. I know all of this is OT, but YOU GUYS. SHE PAINTED A NAKED LADY ON A CANVAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CONCERT. SHE ALSO USED THAT SAME PAINTBRUSH TO PAINT A DOT ON MY NOSE.

  19. All I gots to say is where is Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow?…and no pics of Alison Hannigan is a crime! Just saying, but over all good NSFW Gallery. My wife has a total fetish for gingers (that’s why she married me).

  20. Thanks for all the beautiful redheads! I do love me a lady with red hair… I dyed my own once, but since I naturally have medium to dark brown hair, it doesn’t work unless I bleach it, which doesn’t agree so well with my sensitive skin. So for now I’ll just enjoy looking! (P.S.: I agree with the calls for Alyson Hannigan–definitely one of my first celebrity lady-crushes.)

  21. I’m a recovering ginger addict, and now you’ve made me wet. Thanks for the delicious relapse. *runs off to see therapist*

  22. I may have saw this two days late but I want to thank you guys for satisfying my red-head addiction. Really this whole post is just perfect.

  23. OMG.Is this real life? Is this heaven? Wait…it’s not my birthday today, is it…? But why is there a gallery of REDHEADS?!?!? Awwww, Autostraddle! Did you make this especially for me? No? Oh…o.k.
    Thanks anywayz, I appreciate it.

  24. Redheads! YAYyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I think everybody should have red hair. Everybody is hotter with the red hair. :D

  25. Pingback: Dildo Redhead Sex | cute girls

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