NSFW Sexy Sunday: Ultimate Lesbian Erotica, Gaga’s Latex & Open Relationship Breakfast

Remember last week when I made a NSFW Sunday and the entire thing disappeared when the website crashed? That was so sad, because we’re not sure how to re-create what we made. We can’t. So this is some new shit, with maybe one or two links from last week’s NSFW Sunday which was up for about an hour before the website crashed again.


Laneia: Today I’ll be reviewing a book I found in Riese’s floor near her bed!
Ultimate Lesbian Erotica 2005 edited by Nicole Foster

This book has several stories about women who like having sex with other women. Do you like leather? Sexy dancing? What about women having sex with other women for the first time? Voyeuristic sex? Older women? If you said yes to any of these things, you’ll probably really enjoy this book!

In honor of having recently gone over three days without a shower, here’s an excerpt about soap.

In The Swim by Judith Laura
I turned my back to her. Still nobody in the locker room. She soaped my back gently yet with authority. When she was finished, I slowly turned around, and she began soaping my front from the neck down. By the time she reached my breasts, she had to support my rear with other hand to keep me from sinking to the sudsy floor of the shower and spinning down the drain. I felt the soap skim over the scar, down my stomach.

Minding the Gap by Lynn Cole
I enjoyed my moment of power, knowing that before too long she would take control once more. My knees began to ache from the hard train floor, and I lowered myself to easse my weight. I tugged her pants lower until they were around her ankles, which allowed her to spread her legs a little wider.


The other day Kelsey and Taylor went out for a nice breakfast as a cute couple in Brooklyn when Grace Moon from Velvet Park spotted them from afar and stopped by to interview the duo on a variety of topics, including, but not limited to, sex with older women, drugs, and the west coast.

Grace: What do you think about monogamy, are you kids having a lot of open relationships?
Taylor: That’s the only kind we have.
Kelsey: I want to spread rainbow seeds… We need to make more queer people.


Gaga for Latex:“[Alejandro] makes like every one of the stations of the fetish cross! Seriously, who doesn’t love latex nun outfits and simulated strap-on fucking? Of course then I had to watch some of her other videos, and marvel at the pervy hotness and extreme fashion raddery. I get the Gaga thing much more now… I hope she is the one who can finally mainstream it.”


isleoflesbos: these are some chicks that want to make out with other chicks, some of whom are probs straight girls getting paid to make out with other chicks, but you never know! it gets kinky, with shades of light s&m but really this is what you need to know: THERE WILL BE A LOT OF GIRLS MAKING OUT. Like did you even know this many girls had made out and spanked each other in your lifetime? maybe you didn’t know that, well get ready to learn.


Wouldn’t it be funny if I put this video on our website:

Lynn Pops Fixed Gear Bike from Lynn Pops on Vimeo.


“Yesterday I attended the premiere of the documentary Exxxit: Life After Porn. I learned some disturbing things about what it’s like to have sex on camera — and to stop.” (@jezebel)


The FDA doesn’t like it:An FDA panel weighing whether to green-light flibanserin, the so called “female Viagra,” say the drug failed to boost women’s libidos in recent studies.


non-monogamy and d/s: the warm and fuzzy and the cold and clammy: “I’ve noticed that a lot of what draws me to power relationships is the same stuff that draws me to non-monogamy and vice versa.”


Review of Lesbian Cowboys – Erotic Adventures: “‘Cowboy’ is a calling, a vocation, not a gender,” starts the book Lesbian Cowboys: Erotic Adventures by Sacchi Green and Rakelle Valencia, published by Cleis Press. And the first review of it I saw online (which now of course I can’t find) said, “This book has nothing to do with gender.” But of course, I have to disagree. It has everything to do with gender.”


“For June’s update of Karma Pervs, my monthly porn fundraising project, I had the pleasure of shooting at Bakers Beach with my friend Tristan Crane (Flickr).” This month, the profits go to San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI), which trains people to become sex educators and operates a free information and referral switchboard.


Loving my enemy and ineffective activism: “ally” commentary surrounding the Stop Porn Culture conference: “At the outset of the discussion, I was reprimanded by several people and told I’m mustn’t even joke about porn being evil since I’ll surely get quoted out of context and harm the cause.  I wonder what it’s like to feel like to be so smugly self-important that you refrain from all use of sarcasm, finely honing every tweet to make sure that no one could ever misquote you or take offense at what you typed, because surely, your 140 character tweets hold within them the future of discourse on sexuality?”


The Good Vibrations Indie Erotic Film Festival is soon, wanna be in it? They want entries. Or you could just go and watch the movies and see what you think.


Susanna Petrone is a Tomboy: “At least, that’s what she calls herself. We normally don’t think of tomboys wearing makeup, high heels, sheer stockings, and corsets—all while while bearing their breasts—but we’re willing to work around our small-minded prejudices.”


Wanna see the Hipster Grifter naked? I don’t know if you do or don’t, so like, if you want to, you can, like right now. I guess she’s been doing this for a while now?

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. hey we made this post for you so you can masturbate. where are you people and your comments? are you with your fathers for father’s day, because laneia and i would like to let you know that our Dads are dead and so is Taylor’s and so you should all comment to make us feel better today.

    thank you.

  2. i think jiz lee is very attractive. so much so that i am willing to overlook the fact that her name is like jizz.

    also i think taylor and kelsey should be sunglasses models

    • I think Jizz Lee looks a little like Leisha Hailey. Who is also attractive, so.

  3. I have TWO dad’s and a Mum who I love very much, but this post is better than fathers day.

    • I hate that misplaced apostrophe. It makes me wonder how I get paid to write things for a living. Self doubt and typos is the name of the game today.

  4. Lynn Pops Fixed Gear Bike made me laugh out loud. Dirty dirty girl… and I’ve spent nearly 1/2 an hour over at isleoflesbos tumblr.

    I found this informative video on CPR: http://vimeo.com/11673844 there. (along with a very odd photo series of one woman oiling/tin-foiling up another, like a ham or bbq side dish.)

    I would just like to say, I am certified in CPR and first aid if anyone needs, but I’m not much of a cook.

  5. my brother in law took my computer to take a test and i barely got it back and i feel like i’m late to a sexy party. but i’m here…and i brought chips?

  6. – What were you doing with my fixed gear bike Lynn P.?

    – Oh, popping all over it, no big deal. I’ll show you a vid later, whatever.

    [My original intention was to make a thoughtful and constructive comment to make you feel better today, but that’s ^ what it turned into, I’m sorry. This makes me feel better but it’s in Spanish, although I’d like to think that good storytelling knows not of language barriers]

  7. omgi’msogladforthispost!!! seriously. not a fan of this day myself, Riese/Laneia/Taylor *insert award hug from stranger here*
    This SO makes up for the IFC show. aka: the longest wasted hour of my entire week. nay! my entire life.

    ps. yes, I’m really this overdramatic irl. ask my roomate.

    pps. no, not ‘roommate’, my actual roomate. her name’s Jordan. We really like beer. as evidenced by this comment.

    • is that cause you’re staying at riese’s this week? if you all were at my house i’d let you masturbate.

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