Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
+ Tristan Taormino discusses The Feminist Porn Book in an interview at Salon:
“Besides the process of making it, feminist porn does have a mission behind it, to really address some of the repetitions, the stereotypes, the tropes of some of mainstream pornography and diversify the representation of desire, pleasure, body, race, class, identity, sexual agency. I mean, we are firing on all cylinders here! We are trying to address a lot of different issues all at once. A common misconception about feminist porn is that we are really concerned about women and women’s representations and women’s pleasure. I like to say that as a feminist pornographer, I priorities female desire, pleasure, orgasm, because all too often they aren’t prioritized in other porn — but I also think that we’ve got to dismantle the images and stereotypes around male sexuality. I think that that’s also the work of feminism, to really expose these gender binaries and these stereotypes. It’s really about trying to challenge the whole system, not just one piece of it.”

via lets-go-lesbos
+ The Hairpin interviews a queer asexual virgin:
“I can look back and see that I lived so much of my life growing up through other stories of living. I lived through books and movies, and I didn’t want to be in real life. Maybe one of the things I would want to have conveyed to myself early on is this: the fantasies that get turned into books and movies — that heightened fantastical version of what it means to be a woman and be in love — that stuff is not wholly real for anyone. I wasn’t an alien because I didn’t feel what I saw in the movies. Almost no one feels that way.
I also wish I’d known that it’s totally okay to feel passion and desire and pleasure in ways that don’t appear sexual. To feed other parts of yourself. The first time I read Judith Butler I felt like I was having a purely mental orgasm.”
+ Vintage lingerie ads were really really weird.
+ The current sex work laws are pretty new, and the history of the law before them is fascinating.
+ In response to Lance Manion’s obnoxious proposed “Have Sex With an Ugly Person Day,” Tracy Moore argues for “Have Sex With an Intriguing Person Day“:
“Hot is overrated. Look for someone who is sexy, and by sexy I mean intriguing, which is sexy. Intriguing people are hot, but not all hot people are intriguing. Sexy is almost completely unrelated to looks and has everything to do with the way someone carries themselves. Hot people tend to sit around doing nothing and cultivating nothing because they know they are hot and have been told this ad nauseam. Their jokes have no punchlines, their stories have no fucking point. Interesting people are sexy, because they have lived actual lives and can probably talk about those lives in complete sentences, sentences that turn you on. If you get this premise. you will automatically quadruple your potential pool of people to have sex with.”
+ The Nu Project is a collection of nude photographs of women in their homes:
“Subjects, called un-models, were volunteers through word-of-mouth or Craigslist — they came with their stories, their successes and failures, their scars, their survival of abusive relationships, their tales of triumph over body image — and he photographed them. These days the collection continues to grow; over 150 women (some with their partners) have participated as un-models, most in their own homes.
The Nu Project attempts to redefine beauty.”
+ Annamarie Jagose’s Orgasmology looks at the role of the orgasm in queer theory:
“It’s a bit mind-boggling to think that the orgasm has never occupied the very center of queer thinking—it’s so slippery, so evasive, you’d think scholars would be chomping at the bit to make it their career’s piece de resistance—post tenure, of course. But as a philosophical ‘concept’ a la Deleuze, the orgasm is really the perfect ‘thing’: it lacks materiality; it is observable only as an effect (fantastically explicated by Jagose in chapter 4); and it lacks a temporal permanence or duration beyond the moment. Or, to quote Jagose quoting Kinsey, ‘Few persons realize how they behave at and immediately after orgasm, and they are quite incapable of describing their experiences in any informative way.'”

via loneookami
+ Right here on Autostraddle.com today we have 14 Genuinely Awesome Times We Saw An Actress’ Boobs, and just this once, we’re showing nip!
+ Also right here, on this here website, Ali has advice on how to talk to your partner about wanting to have more sex.
Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
I saw the actress-boobs post already and assumed it was this week’s NSFW Sunday. Clearly, I was not paying attention.
Thank you so much for covering the Hairpin interview!! I loved the whole article and would love to see Autostraddle write something on the subject of asexuality, or the place of asexuals/aromantics in the gay community.
Like Elliot in the article, I identified as a queer or a lesbian long before I applied any other label to myself. But as soon as I said asexual in the context of me, I felt this incredible since of relief. The same one I should have felt when I came out as gay.
I constantly find it hard to believe that there is room for someone like me in within the gay community though. On a purely superficial level, the gay community is extremely sexualized. And on a deeper level I face the same question as Eliott:
“Sometimes I think that what I want is to skip the initial two years of, “Does he like me, and is he going to call me, and what does this mean?” I just want to get to a place where my life feels balanced. But I don’t know how to get there without going through the part where you’re overwhelmed with passion, and part of me is afraid that I’m just not capable of feeling that overwhelming passion for people. And why would anyone want to be with someone like that?”
AS is so deliciously sexy all of the time that I honestly did not realize you guys never show the nips.
additionally, the third photo from the bottom is perhaps the sexiest thing ever.
I really love that Hairpin article/interview
Is that a Sailor Moon tattoo in the last pic?
Also, LOVED the review of Jagose’s Orgasmology and I cannot wait to pick up a copy!!!
Autostraddle is so full of sexy this Sunday. I mean, always, but especially today. How is a girl supposed to get anything done?
Someone tell me I’m not the only one that always scrolls through to see the pictures first, bathes in their glory, then reads the actual article?
No, you are not the only one. Nope nope nope. :)
article? what article?
“Few persons realize how they behave at and immediately after orgasm, and they are quite incapable of describing their experiences in any informative way.” –
really??.. they need to interview more people..
In the words of Ms. Alice Pieszecki, “Fuck My Mother!” I use this in reference to the photo with Rihanna and Kate Moss picture. Fuck that’s hot, Rihanna can use that crop on me any day! ANY DAY!