feature image of @kellyd075 via rodeoh
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked. We do not run advertising on NSFW Sundays.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

Jade Onyx by Heartburn Waltz, retoucher Julia Vida, Brooklyn 2016
+ False balance in reporting is especially present in discussions on the porn debate:
“The way that the question ‘is porn actually damaging our brains?’ is so often presented as a roughly 50/50 argument. On one side: people like me who love porn (or people who make it) bleating sadly about the loss of our livelihoods/hobbies. On the other side: brave crusaders for truth who are opening our eyes to the dangers with their shocking stats and stories of addiction.
Except – obviously – it’s a bit more complicated than that. […]
False balance is a huge issue in other areas of reporting, not just in the porn debate. It comes from a good place – journalists don’t want to be led by their own biases, so when someone stands up and says ‘This is GOOD’ they often go on the hunt for someone who’ll say ‘This is BAD’. Thus the journalist can present both sides and feel like they’ve given a balanced overview. Problem is, the two sides aren’t always equal.”

via anyalust via the lingerie addict
+ Some advice on cunnilingus (note the article conflates sex/gender):
The way you find out what someone wants is by asking. Ask her what makes her feel good. Don’t be shy. Trust me, she will be really impressed that you care so much about making her come.
If she is making sounds of pleasure, that’s a good sign. If she seems to like one thing over another, do whatever that is and don’t stop.
But remember…the clit is forever. The clit is the beacon of female sexual pleasure. Literally, its only function is pleasure.
Keep your tongue on the clit. This is your safe space. The clit is the bud-like bump at the top of the vaginal hood, it extends below the pube bone, but the bud is the visible portion.
Stay on the clit. Whether or not your lady is into G-spot stimulation, she will want clitoral stimulation. I repeat: You stay on the clit until she comes.
You can also read Autostraddle’s guide to going down on a vulva.
+ The astrological signs most likely to be polyamorous are Capricorn, followed by Taurus and Aquarius, while the least likely is Sagittarius, according to a survey of OpenMinded users.
+ Got a vagina? “Pussy should smell like pussy.” Don’t douche. Just don’t.

Feature image of @refresh_esh via rodeoh
+ Dating is more expensive than being single.
+ Want to live past age 100? Try rampant sex.
+ Gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis are now all antibiotic-resistant: “Gonorrhea has developed the strongest resistance, but all three STIs are becoming resistant to the antibiotics typically used to treat them.” Be safer out there.

erika linder via androgynous girls
That dating is being more expensive than being single link has so many good quotes and comments. Thanks for the headsup!
I would really recommend this body-positive tumblr for all of the members of AS. It is an educational and supportive site for women.
Here is a quote from their site:
“This blog is all about labia. It is a body-positive blog that aims to show that vulvas and labia of any size, shape, texture and coloration are normal and beautiful. It provides support for those who feel insecure, self-conscious, victimised or vilified about their labia. This blog is inclusive, and all people with labia are welcome, regardless of race, age, sexual preference or gender.
Please respect contributors by not reblogging any posts. If you reblog photo submissions you will be blocked.”
Like 0007 breast gallery for labia.
Cool beans.
I like the idea of this blog but wow it’s white white white.
I’m Emma, and I run http://www.LargeLabiaProject.org It’s an all submission-based blog, so I don’t have control over who contributes or not. It’s a completely inclusive blog, and people with vaginas of all genders, colours, races, ages and body shapes are welcome.
I think it’s kind of fitting that we Geminis ranked high-middle of the poly list. The Twins like to have options, but we’re also so fickle that we’d also go back and forth on WHETHER OR NOT we want more than one partner.
Or maybe that’s just my indecisive self. *shrug*
Or perhaps we’d go back and forth on WHETHER OR NOT we want more than one partner out concern of being perceived as fickle rather flexible or adaptable.
Adjusting to our environment and the people in it can go really wrong when we want to be seen as grounded as an earth sign as Virgo and not respected for the wiggly mercury sign we are.
This is y Sags are commitment phobic then… They feel like they have to commit fully and can’t play around!
Well, I’m a Sag and none of that is true for me. So. Grain of salt and all that.
Another poly Sagittarius with two lifelong commitments so… I call shenanigans. :P
The last pic. Wow.
Thermal underwear over regular undies and no pants, no top and a winter jacket……woman for all seasons…..all at the same time!
Still no advice/articles for trans women or for cis women who are in a relationship with trans women? Also, still linking to Erika, who in the past copied someone else’s work. Not to mention she and her (cis)husband have been know to fetishize queer women and trans me.
I must admit I am surprised about this Capricorn thing. Are we not worried about our reputation? ;) My main relationship indicators being Taurus, Capricorn and Aquarius, this explains a lot, though.
“Got vagina?” Why yes, yes I do ?
I feel so included now ?
Ok, but how many of those OpenMinded Capricorns are people like me who put in “January 1” as their random fake birth date?
I know we’re a queer women’s site, but with so many genderqueer & trans writers and members, do we really need to be linking articles that feminize or masculinize genitalia?
What if I want to go down on a vagina and it isn’t a woman? It’s not hard to adopt trans inclusive language and I think that AS should consider a policy of excluding exclusive articles. I like to think of AS as a safe place and suddenly I’m reading transphobic/trans exclusive excerpts. It’s not something I care to experience and I’d like to think I’m not alone.
Thank you!
conflate is one of my favorite words and i also really like the assertive tone of that excerpt. #stayonit
chelsea handler’s opinion of astrology today was right by this article in my twitter feed, amusingly.