NSFW Sexy Sunday: Why Don’t We Get Drunk and Have Hipster Sex on the Internet?

The statistics are staggering … but also completely & overwhelmingly unsurprising: Millions of women drink alcohol before having sex because they lack confidence in their bodies, a study has found … researchers, who surveyed 3,000 women aged between 18 and 50, found the average woman has slept with eight men, but was drunk with at least five of them. (@daily mail uk)

PUMA Tracks Stock-Market Losses With Stripping Models.

From Jiz Lee: “For months you’ve been following my posts about how frickin’ up to the hilt excited I am about being able to work with one of my all-time sexual superheros, Belladonna … the trailer is now up & running at EnterBelladona..com and you can see us all in action! Strapped Dykes DVD comes out November 29th 2009 …”

SEXY TUMBLR ALERT: (very NSFW, but it’s funny) Hipster Demographic Penetrates Yet Another Market: “Looks like the Lesbians For Men Club thrives in hipster porn too. As evidenced above, this is just one of the many fine shots and captions you’ll see at this week’s Best Link Ever, Look at This Hipster F*cking.”

SEXY TUMBLR ALERT TWO: Photos of Shane & Carmen up there are from fuckyeahthelword.

Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross on how to have a better orgasm. (@carnal nation)

CUTE BLOG ALERT: “The primary, societal message about sex, gender, body is that there is one ‘good’ model exists: hetero male & female, married … sexgenderbody has been built to serve as a public meeting place for honest and respectful conversations about the entire width and breadth of sex, gender, body.”

Is Cybersex Cheating? The beat goes on.

Melissa & Gina, The Nerve Date


Pretty Girl Friday on Tiny Nibbles, with a message: “Girls, girls, girls. They make me so happy with their soothing smoothness and curves. This is a blog about culture and sex. This is the sex part … This is the new school of life. If you’re too embarrassed to link here, but want me to promo your shit or cash in on my appearance, get over it and treat me, and the hundreds of thousands of people who visit here with maturity and respect … The human condition: here’s a beautiful part of it.” (@tinynibbles)

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. Omg! I am watching season 3 of the L word right now.

    That statistic about the women drunk having sex is sad.Plus if you are 18 and have slept with over 8 men/women you need to slow your role. Also I know girls who do it with a bra on and/or the lights off becasue of body issues…F that, if it’s with me, we get butt naked and some kind of light needs to be on. I need to see what the hell is going on, inspect things if necessary. I don;t drink so i am always sober, unfortunate sometimes…lol

    Yes, cybersex is cheating. Duh(Also thinking is cheating.JK) I think cybersex is weird. Why talk about it when you could go do it?

    • I think it says a lot about how women are raised to hate their bodies and see sex as shameful or private or view their own sexuality as dangerous, both in how it can invite unwanted attention and inspire passionate choices. Clearly now we must be drunk to block out the religious and societal guilt as well as the imposed self-consciousness and etc. Oh, so much work to be done for ladies! But drinking is fun. Also I am too out of it to be commenting and should go to bed

      • I feel like I also know kind of a lot of women who drink before sex either because they hate it because their male partners are so bad at it, or because they don’t actually enjoy sex with men but their partners are male anyways. Just saying.

        • Intern Rachel- Your friends need to find someone who is better at it or wake up and smell the lesbian coffee. Just saying.

          • What’s nice is that most of them have! They took the hint. I feel like if there were a twelve-step program to Realizing You Are A Lesbian, admitting to yourself that you need to be intoxicated to enjoy sleeping with men is like Step 3. Step 1 can be joining the Girl Scouts in sixth grade just so you can be friends with the pretty blonde girl who rides horses, and Step 2 is something like realizing that you’re awake at three in the morning looking for Shane montages on youtube.

          • LOL @ step 2. I have a friend that needs that 12 step program. Autostraddle should write one!

            I think drinking alcohol also has to do with justifying them sleeping with someone. Like a way to overcome their inhibitions. Or as Riese was saying this idea that is wrong and having sex freely like devalues you almost. Women have been oppressed and warped into forgeting that they are sexual creatures. Women need to be comfortable and in charge of their sexuality and their sexual…. actions. I feel like being drunk is used as an excuses. I have a friend who will say, “Yeah I slept with him but I was drunk.” Like she needs to have an excuse. If you wanted some, you got some, good for you!

            To Sapphicsass- Yes ma’am, there are many flavors. Also available, Espresso, Cappuccino, and Lattes.

          • I feel like being drunk becomes an excuse for everything. Like, “oops I got really angry and threw a pot plant at you, but I was drunk I didn’t mean it”. Also people become dependant on alcohol to be good at socializing or something. Definitely a way to get over inhibitions.

  2. hipster porn? why have I never heard of that? BEST IDEA EVER!

    as someone who prefers straight porn to queer porn but really can’t stomach the barbie-doll/chizzled machoman mainstream exploitative porn industry… GET ME SOME HIPSTER PORN.

  3. I don’t think that having a little something to drink before sex is a bad thing. 1 in 20 people never having had sex sober, however, weirds me out a little.
    Why is it assumed that women lack body confidence because they like to drink before sex? Could it be that drunk sex is simply just more fun?!?!

  4. I never had sex with someone who’s drunk and no plans for that either. The reason is I don’t want to be a oops-I-was-drunk “mistake”. They need to have a full comprehension that they’re going to have sex with me -that sounds like a test haha. I hope that makes sense.

    I had made out with people while intoxicated though and vice versa, it was definitely fun.

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