Feature image of Scantily by Curvy Kate (by Tigz Rice Studios) via the lingerie addict.
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

via that dark chick
+ “Like when you turn your head too fast and a shooting pain goes up the side of your skull but you have to keep sitting still because the lady blowing out your hair isn’t done yet, but good,” and other ways to describe an orgasm.
+ Your Kegel or PC muscles are a big part of how powerful your orgasms are (as well as making orgasm more likely in the first place). Here’s how to exercise them:
“There are two types of exercises you can benefit from: long holds and short pulses. First, try to tighten up on your Kegel muscles very slowly. Imagine that the muscles are a little pelvic elevator, gradually moving up floors. When you get to the point where you can’t pull up any higher, try to hold for two seconds. Release slowly, at the same speed you used when pulling up. Repeat this 10 times. Next, quickly squeeze and release your Kegel muscles in short pulses. This mimics the rhythmic contraction the muscles go through during orgasm. Repeat this 30 times. Do the whole routine two times a day. Each week, try to add one second to your hold time on the longer holds, working up to a total hold time of 10 seconds. (Keep the short pulses the same.)”

Edie Kershaw (Instagram, tumblr) via fuckyeahmtfs.tumblr.com
+ You can turn all sorts of things into kink toys:
“Plenty of cooking utensils make lovely impact toys. Experiment with the material and the design of your utensils. Spatulas are going to feel different than slotted spoons. A wooden spoon is going to feel different than a plastic or silicone one. They also come in every color of the rainbow, allowing you to coordinate your new spanking tool with the rest of your kinky kit.”
Be aware that paint stirrers, which the article mentions, break easily if you do things correctly.
+ Sites like Sounds of Pleasure, Kinbaku Luxuria, Beautiful Agony and more all depict sexual pleasure differently. If more usual porn isn’t up your alley (or even if it is), one of these might be for you.

Soraya Jansen
+ Kenyan visual artist Kawira Mwirichia has created a lesbian KamaSutra adult coloring book that might be relevant to your interests.
+ A small selection of butts for your perusal, because butts are great.
+ From the Autostraddle Lesbian Sex Archives: Emily wrote about dating when you’re on the autism spectrum:
“Dating and relationships are foreign territory. I do my best to tread them and I think I have the important parts down pat, like how to love people and be kind to them, but the subtleties of body language, the knowledge of appropriate responses, and the idea of being in touch with my feelings escapes me. It’s just the way I am, part and parcel of my autism spectrum disorder (ASD).”
Also, a letter to unicorns from an ex-unicorn.

via womenofcolor
Raise a glass to freedom.
Something they can never take away.
Girl, that third picture. I sometimes forget how much I love love love butches. And then I remember.
Wow. The Kenyan artist who has made that amazing colouring book. Just. Wow. We are starved of this kind of wonder in Kenya. I can’t even speak right now.
… can I just mention how much I’m LOVING these sneaky Hamilton-related article titles? Because I love them a lot.
Whenever NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday posts go up I wanna be in the Room Where it Happens, if you know what I mean
I just listened to the entire Hamilton soundtrack again today, I am feeling fragile.
I went to school with the (straight, I think) girl on the main page image and it’s weirding me out of the rest of the article…….. the internet is a strange place!
Am I only the one who just can’t bring themselves to do kegels? Kegels are my flossing. They seem like so much work. That whole routine, twice a day? sheesh. Anyone have tips for making them more fun? accessible? I don’t even know.
Ben Wa balls? I’m sure I read that doing Kegels with resistance is more effective…definitely more fun
I’m kind of confused by the warning that paint stirrers will break “if you’re doing it correctly.” Does that mean paint stirrers actually aren’t okay impact toys?
It means if you hit really hard with them they can break. (Not actually “correct” because obviously everyone is a unique flower and no types of play are better/righter/etc. than any others, but “correct” because it sounded funny at the time slash will be the case for some people.)
Okay the Hysterical Literature on the porn alternatives link is now my favorite thing. Thanks.