Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

via colorandcurves
+ A 98-year-old woman has some important sex/life advice:
“Do you think it’s unrealistic that one could be happy with the same person for 50, 60 years?
Yeah. And I’ll tell you why. You get used to each other. And as you get older, you’re not looking for the same things anymore. I don’t like to be bored with life. You’ve got to have a lot of passion and you’ve got to have a lot of feeling. Without feeling, there’s nothing, it’s just an act—and that’s no good. You have to have that urge. And you both have to have it.”

via totally lesbians
+ A new show in the UK will feature a couple having sex inside an opaque box in front of a studio audience and then emerging from the box to talk about it because they want to “reclaim sex”:
“Channel 4’s Campaign for Real Sex season has garnered much publicity this week, mainly because of the announcement that a new show, Sex Box – in which a couple have sex in a box and then emerge, glistening, to be interviewed about it by Mariella Frostrup – is intended to “reclaim sex from pornography”. Leaving aside the obvious question as to whether the public would rather a) watch attractive people going at it while alone, or b) imagine slightly less attractive people going at it in an opaque box in the company of a studio audience, I’m suspicious of this idea that “real” sex needs to be reclaimed from porn. Is it just a zeitgeisty buzz-phrase concocted by television executives to trick viewers into some kind of sexy Schrödinger box-watching scenario, or does it genuinely reflect a crisis for modern sexuality?”

via jxnchiriki
+ What will the sex toys of the future look like? Why good design in some ways doesn’t mean good design in others, and why not talking about sex toys isn’t helping anyone:
“Just imagine if we only talked about smartphones in hushed whispers and behind closed doors: we’d all still be using BlackBerries. (Okay, I digress. We’d all be using BlackBerries or cans on strings.) Because of this culturally imposed taboo on discussing adult products, the sex toy user experience is weighted in favor of the terrible: with thousands upon thousands of products on the market, finding a toy with a decent user interface is like finding a needle in a haystack.
What do we mean when talking about user interface? Mostly the buttons, knobs, sliders, and other controls that are common on women’s (and sometimes men’s) adult products. Physical shape can have an effect as well—”sex toys that fit awkwardly into their intended orifices” is practically its own niche.”

via newdawntwisted
+ According to the Book of Jezebel, C is for crotch.
+ People hide all kinds of things from the people they bring over/date/etc.
+ A new app aims to encourage sonnets over sexting.

clochette, photographed by pascal pierrou, via pascal pierrou
+ Oh Joy Sex Toy reviewed the Ina 2.
+ Spontaneous orgasm exists, researchers confirm:
“Women who simply thought about the stimulation of their breasts and genitals, the scans revealed, lit up the brain’s corresponding sensory areas.
‘That’s not the traditional view of the sensory cortex,’ Ms. Wise said recently, alluding to how sense organs are usually seen as responsible for the cortical responses.
Dr. Ogden, from her home in Cambridge, Mass., praised the research as likely to expand the accepted definition of female sexuality.
‘Sex research for a long time shortchanged women by asking the wrong questions, or asking very limited questions,’ she said. ‘If we just notice what’s around — notice what people are doing and saying and feeling — we can do a better job.'”

via pixie-cropped
+ The Guardian has some advice for the woman whose girlfriend makes her come too quickly:
“An experienced lover who understands the concept of “teasing” could help you with a little power-exchange sex, or you could train yourself to delay climaxing by gaining awareness of your point of orgasmic inevitability. When masturbating, try to stop just before the point of no return, then wait. After four minutes, resume, then repeat, before allowing yourself to orgasm on the third attempt. Once mastered, you could progress to trying this with an understanding partner who will obey your command to stop. Eventually you will have the control you desire.”
+ A new survey suggests that your friends will avoid hanging out with you if you talk too much about your relationship:
“In a new survey, some 50 percent of U.S. adults said that they have dodged a friend or family member who talks incessantly about his or her relationship problems.
Among the younger participants, 25-34-year-olds, 64 percent have admitted to steering clear of a pal for this reason.”
via lets-go-lesbo
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
I’m only 30, but one thing I’ve learned is that just because I feel a certain way or something applies to me, does not mean that it is the same for everyone else. Should I live to 98, I imagine I’ll still hold to that belief.
Wow that photoset was CUTE
Does anyone else kind of just hate that 98 year-old? Talking about cheating in such a nonchalant way depresses the fuck out of me. I mean really, that article broke my heart.
The woman’s POV is pretty misogynistic in general…but then again, it’s from esquire. So…
Ugh, amen
This is a tough thing for a lot of people to talk about or consider. I actually think of this as insight from the Ghost of Christmas Future. The woman is 98 years old and I think I understand her point… but I wonder how she felt at 20, 30, 40 etc? When did this revelation and acceptance take place for her? Did she always feel this way, or did she have an epiphany at 75?
Has anyone here been able to have an orgasm or anything just by thinking of stuff?
A friend of mine can do that, it’s crazy!
That’s how I had my first ever orgasm, actually. It only happened that one time, but yeah.
I have, but it was entirely accidental. I was at work, hanging up clothes, and it kind of just happened. Strangest moment of my life #WeirdTMI
In all seriousness I ask the editors to consider an end of the year compilation of every single NSFW Sunday photo they have posted.
Thank you and ps. I am SO gay.
Do it.