Feature image of Courtney Trouble by Rae Threat.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
+ It’s possible to make a not-terrible sex tape at home. After you think about safety, figure out what kind of sex tape you want to make (plot or no plot? soft or hard core? what do you want to show?), plan your lighting, test out your angles and get started:
“Making a sex tape is intense! It’s perfectly normal to feel timid, nervous, anxious, or awkward. If it feels like too big of a project to take on at once, try breaking it down into baby steps.
First, try taking pictures of yourself in lingerie, or naked in a mirror. Try to get a sense of your favorite body parts, and the best angles for showcasing them. Next, have your partner take naughty pictures of you, and get their input. From there, try taking simple POV pictures while you’re being intimate. Hand a cell phone back and forth and see how creative you can get. You can start with tame sex acts, like kissing or touching, then progress to the activities that feel more vulnerable to you. Work your way up to short video clips with just a few licks or thrusts.”
Then think about safety again.

Fei Fei Sun by Txema Yeste for Harper’s Bazaar Spain October 2015
+ We need more fat people in porn:
“[April] Flores says, ‘There’s definitely more dialogue around body diversity and plus-sized people, but I think in media in general, fat is still taboo. Fat is one of those things that’s still OK to make fun of. I’m glad to challenge these stereotypes in porn.’ She added, ‘There needs to be representation of a fat woman who is sexual and competent and happy, and enjoying her sexuality. I see that void, so Courtney and I are going to fill it.'”

Agent Provocateur via the lingerie addict
+ Sex ed is different in Denmark.
+ Can (and should) your summer fling last? Do you want it to?
+ Sex can help you get over your fear of flying (thanks oxytocin!).
+ This review of sex is pretty great.

Chelsea Ciara via fuckyeahethnicwomen
+ You can be “friends with benefits” and then evolve to just “friends” and it could be fine, life is a tapestry:
“One study, for example, found that about half of the 308 participants said they were either less close with their former FWB pal, or that they were no longer friends at all. But this also, of course, means that about half did manage to stay friends — and about one in seven people told the researchers that their friendships were even better than they’d been before they started hooking up.”

Nicole Simone by Chris Gaede via the lingerie addict
+ Will kegel exercise toys help you have more intense orgasms? Hard to say:
“[W]e can all do any number of things to improve our sex lives. We can teach ourselves what we like, and then teach our partners; we can buy all kinds of sexual tools for any purpose we like; or, if we have vaginas, we can just tighten and release. Because I cannot, with total confidence, tell you that the Smart Bead made anything better, or if that orgasm was a fluke, or if I can even see a difference in subsequent orgasms. I have no idea if my pelvic floor is stronger.”

via Msdenisemercedes
+ From the Autostraddle Lesbian Sex Archives: sometimes you and a partner have different levels of sexual desire. Just know that you can’t always get what you want:
“Everyone’s experienced both sides of this situation at one time or another, and neither side is a coveted one. Sexual desire is so nuanced and tied to so many external / internal variables that it’s beyond naive to expect that you and your partner — no matter how close / connected / in love you are — will always be on the same page. It’s also just as naive and unfair to think that you’ll always get what you want. Whether ‘what you want’ is a serious fingerblasting session or a quiet hour alone with Storage Wars, relationships are about existing on a middleground with someone else.”
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
The abundance of Calvin Klein makes my heart melt.
And, like any other game, I’ve spent whole sunlit days browsing through mod categories, carefully checking out the readme, finagling a load order that won’t make the game crash, enjoying a quiet victorious minute when I’ve got everything working correctly.
Then getting up to cook dinner instead of playing it.
Thank God for the Kotaku Review of Sex. For years, I’d been on the fence. I mean, what’s the big deal about it, anyway? I really couldn’t see why anyone would engage in such an activity. But now I’m convinced I need to give it a try:
“Sex isn’t perfect by any means, and does ship with a few built-in problems that really ought to have been patched by now. But if you approach it with some patience and a willingness to experiment and learn, Sex can be good–really good. At its best, it’s like realizing you’re the star of your own life, and your partner is the star of theirs. Even if you don’t think Sex is for you, I’d suggest giving it a shot. You just might be surprised by how much you like it.”
Send me a message if you want to help out. ;)
Here for the feature image. MEOW.
The FWB piece was really timely. That’s been a bigger stressor for me recently—what’s going to happen when my FWB situation inevitably ceases to be a thing? We work together, too, and zero people know we’re fucking (I mean, a few people have their suspicions…) so it’s even more a concern that this not burst into flames when it ends.