Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

via sapphoria
+ At the Lingerie Lesbian, Caro writes about the word “sexy” and why it is the worst:
“I think that I’ve just heard (and written) the word ‘sexy’ so many times I don’t even know what it means anymore. Sexy seems to bog me down in nonsense and continually raises the question of who this ‘sexiness’ is supposedly attracting and why you should care. I’m sure I’m written about ‘feeling sexy’ before with regards to lingerie, but I’m not sure I really know what that even means? I’m not really calling for a reduction in eroticism– sometimes I even bemoan the lack of it (such as with same-sex relationships on TV).
But there has to be something more complex and interesting than the word ‘sexy’ slapped on everything with abandon.”
+ It’s CrashPad producer and director Shine Louise Houston‘s birthday on February 18. Now is a good time to thank her for making excellent queer porn.

Adrianna Ho via models of color
+ Right here on Autostraddle, we have 50 ladies and bois in red… and not much else.
+ At Alternet, Lisa Kirkman, author of Sex Pot: The Marijuana Lover’s Guide to Gettin’ It On, discusses sex and pot.
+ Do you have a kinky sex bucket list?
+ The webcam industry spikes on Valentine’s Day.
+ Everyone is sexting more:
“According to a report released today by the Pew Research Center, 9 percent of Americans with cellphones have used them to send a “sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude” photo or video, while 20 percent of cellphone owners have received a similar type of image. (Apparently some sexters are more prolific than others.) That’s a jump from 2012, when only 6 percent of cellphone owners had sexted and 15 percent had received. Although Americans are consuming more crotch shots than ever, we’ve seen no similar uptick in the number of people who are sexting nonconsensually. According to Pew, 6 percent of cellphone users have forwarded a sext to a third party, the same percentage that had done so in 2012.”
+ Holidays can be more complicated and also more fun when you’re poly.
+ Porn addiction doesn’t actually exist, according to a new study in Current Sexual Health Reports.
+ The better you get at yoga, the better you get at sex.

Cameron Mackie via pussy les queer
+ No matter how you feel about the Crave Duet vibrator, this look at the factory that makes them is really neat.
+ Women between 40 and 65 are more interested in sex than everyone thinks.
+ Sex is better when everyone involved is actually paying attention:
“When one or both partners is distracted, they are less likely to derive satisfaction from sex. Mindfulness training can help alleviate distraction by reducing stress outside of the bedroom, as well as promoting intimate connection during sex. The Kinsey Institute’s Dr. Julia Heiman was one of several researchers who studied the impact of mindfulness training on women who experienced sexual difficulties after gynecologic cancer. They administered three sessions of mindfulness training to this group with the intention of improving overall quality of life, as well as promoting sexual enjoyment. This successful intervention demonstrates the power of mindfulness to overcome obstacles to sexual pleasure in many different types of health circumstances.”
+ Double dates are better at “rekindling the passion” than regular dates, according to new research from Wayne State University:
“‘Passionate love is one of the first dimensions of love to decrease in couples over time as the newness of a relationship begins to wane,’ said Keith Welker, a doctoral student at Wayne State University.
‘Relationships have widely been thought to flourish and develop in a broader network of social relationships, while emerging research has suggested that novel, arousing experiences can increase feelings of passionate love.’
The new research fuses together the two research areas, showing that novel, high-self-disclosure interactions with other couples can increase feelings of passionate love.”
+ Love coupons are really break-up coupons for 99% of relationships, says a new fake study based in truth:
“Love coupons (also known as love discounts, love IOUs, or love gifts with purchase) are slips of paper, usually homemade, that act as gift certificates for acts that people in relationships previously gave of their own will, such as hugs, sensual massages, or emptying the goddamn dishwasher for once without complaining. They’ve gained popularity on Pinterest and in countless women’s lifestyle magazines as a means of resparking a dying relationship. Love coupons are not legal currency.
‘The simple truth is, they do not work,’ said Dr. Stephen Stefani, the chair of the committee on break-ups and separations at the university. ‘Either people don’t use them, or their partners become irritated when they do. They’re empty gestures, and they create resentment on both sides.'”

Lizzy Caplan via liquor in the front
+ Kissing is weird:
“Scientists are not exactly sure why we kiss. This may be in part because they have not even definitively decided what a kiss is. Unlike most other areas of scientific investigation, there’s no accepted “taxonomy,” or classification system, for different kinds of kisses and closely related behaviors. What’s more, you don’t find the experts crunching the numbers and figures on kissing across world cultures, as researchers would surely do if they wanted to get a handle on the available data. Why so little analysis of osculation? Perhaps kissing seems so commonplace that few of us have paused to reflect on its deeper significance. Or it’s possible the subject has been intentionally avoided under the microscope given the challenges of interpreting what a kiss really means.”
featured image via lasmujeresrealestienencurvas.tumblr.com
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
The science of kissing was super cool!
Thanks for these! The link to the Lingerie Lesbian piece is broken, though.
Nice one! Was looking forward to reading this all day while at work. Best part of Sunday.
And when I say reading, I really mean looking at the pictures of smokin’ hot ladies.
For those of you who actually want to read my piece, the link is here: http://thelingerielesbian.com/2014/02/05/its-almost-valentines-day-and-the-word-sexy-makes-me-want-to-scream/
i knew there was a reason i saved that lizzy caplan photo to my computer a million months ago.
Lizzy Caplan gives me the lesbian-est vibes– I have such a crush on her!
Lizzy Caplan is the best thing ever. For reals. I’ve never seen a Lizzy Caplan role I didn’t like.
As if I needed more reasons to love yoga.
Hmmm. Time to take up yoga again.