Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
feature image of lauracramer_ and ladyluck278 via liquorinthefront.

via suicidegirls
+ Consensual non-monogamy has been the subject of a bunch of studies, some of which have found that people in them experience less jealousy, are more responsible about safety, report equal or higher relationship satisfaction as monogamous folks and more:
“Desire for (non)monogamy exists on a continuum. In his bestseller Sex at Dawn, Chris Ryan argued that humans as a species are nonmonogamous. However, new data from Lisa Dawn Hamilton’s lab suggests it may be more accurate to think of the tendency toward (non)monogamy as a personality characteristic that ranges on a spectrum from very low to very high (just like, say, extraversion and introversion). In other words, some people are completely monogamous, others are completely nonmonogamous, and many more are somewhere in between.”
+ Breasts! Some of them look like this.
+ The first sex ever was between two Scottish fish 385 million years ago.
+ At Oh Joy Sex Toy, Grace Allison wrote about autonomous sensory meridian response.
+ You probably shouldn’t sleep with your ex, but if you must, here are some guidelines, including making sure you’re both over it, communicating, establishing boundaries or only sleeping with certain exes:
“When people say sex complicates things, what they mean is emotions complicate things. Sex itself is pretty simple. So, the ex with whom you moved across the country? With whom you spent nights planning your future mountaintop wedding ceremony? Probably pass. The one you met at a local dive and spent the next two weeks sleeping with, but whose profession you can’t quite remember (sales?) — saddle up, buttercup.”

Frances Aaternir via devoutfashion
+ If you’re going to pull the trigger on a break up, it’s good to have an exit strategy.
+ What New York sex shop is best for you?
+ At Kinkly, Lola, who is currently in a poly quad, wrote about safer sex, communication and more.
+ Canadians are slightly kinkier in their porn searches than Americans, but Austrians beat everyone.

giulia80 via prettyplussize
+ Sometimes having sex with a dude is the thing that confirms that you are just really gay:
“I laughingly realized I wasn’t having that bad of a time.
That said, I still found myself bored and wishing I could do more. I felt a desire to be inside of Ken and kept reaching up for tits that weren’t there. I was annoyed with how easy it was to get him off and kept thinking how much more fun I could be having if he was a girl.
It was there, on my knees in a stranger’s bathroom, Ken’s little buddy in my mouth, that I realized just how gay I was. No matter how much I liked Ken and how much I liked giving head, neither would ever compare to the complete emotional and physical satisfaction I got out of being with a woman. I knew that from that moment on, the only cock I would suck was going to be made of silicone.”
+ Sometimes super athletic challenging sex is fun, and sometimes lazy quiet sex is fun too.
+ Related: Ellen Bass’s “Ordinary Sex“:
“You don’t need to strew rose petals in my bath or set a band of votive candles flickering around the rim. You don’t need to invent a thrilling new position, two dragonflies mating on the wing. Honey, you don’t even have to wash up from work. A little sweat and sunscreen won’t bother me. Take off your boots, babe, swing your thigh over mine. I like it when you do the same old thing in the same old way. And then a few kisses, easy, loose, like the ones we’ve been kissing for a hundred years.”
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
So happy that comfort sex is a thing.
The pics this week. Damn.
Especially the last one.
I will be bookmarking that “breakup exit strategy” piece to keep forever. Such a great find, thanks!
I also really appreciate the inclusion of pieces on polyamory/non-monogamy pretty well every week on NSFW Sunday :)
Breakup exit strategy was really good. Hope I never need to use it…
very good
my classmate’s ex-wife makes $74 an hour on the laptop . She has been fired from work for eight months but last month her income was $12473 just working on the laptop for a few hours. visit homepage
No way! that’s amazing!
Quick, somebody alert Riese & The Team to this epic opportunity.
If only we had the homepage to go to, we could all put in a few hours and raise the funds AS so desperately needs and we would all be free to focus on the gay/lesbian agenda with renewed vigour.
[Yes this is sarcasm. Do people honestly believe this stuff?]
ASMR! That’s what it is- I can never remember the name of that feeling. Thanks!
“Sometimes having sex with a dude is the thing that confirms that you are just really gay
One word: YUP.
That’s so weird that ASMR showed up here, too! I just got the latest issue of Allure in the mail (a crapton of random magazines just started showing up at my house 6 months ago. I don’t even know) and they had an article on ASMR, too. I was interested, so I looked up some vids on YouTube and every fucking one of them was like nails on a chalkboard!
My brain must have reversed the polarity of the neutron flow or something, because they do the exact opposite of what they’re supposed to do. Every single one of them. My skin crawled and I felt incredibly anxious, disturbed, and irritated. I kept clicking from video to video because I was so baffled by and curious about my reaction, but eventually I started to get a tension headache so I stopped. It was just dreadful. All those mouth noises in the “whispering” vids and the medical exam role playing were especially bad? How can anyone stand those?
Oh thank goodness, I get that too!
Whispering fills me with anxiety or angry fee-fees too. I hypothesize it because whispering is associated in my mind the nasty that was elementary school. Whispering is the beginning rumbles of shit about to go down. Like the rumbles of thunder before a lightening storm out on a flat plain with no cover for miles.
I find them really unpleasant too. They work for my girlfriend but every time I try to listen to one I just can’t can’t stand it.
that nerve article is so great – I read it a while ago (it’s not new, right?) and it’s one of the few pieces from that website that have actually stuck in my mind. :)