Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
Feature image via xfemmexbutchx
+ Choosing restraints for bondage for the first time? Think about the size, how secure they are, what you want to attach them to (body parts and bedposts/etc), whether to go for an intro or matching set and any special features you might want/need. (Also see our introduction to bondage and also also, make sure when you’re thinking about tying up someone by the wrists you’re really thinking about tying them up around their lower forearms rather than by the actual joints.)

Drew Deveaux and Courtney Trouble in “Trans Lesbians” via courtneytrouble.com
+ The new HPV vaccine is more effective. Also, 80% of sexually active adults have had HPV infections so it’s time everyone stops being afraid to talk about it.
+ Here is how to not be an asshole at a nude beach.
+ Reddit now bans posting sexually explicit photos without the consent of those who appear in them, which should help reduce revenge porn. This is especially great because of how hard it is to get revenge porn off the internet.

via jacsfishburne
+ Most people still date/marry people from similar socioeconomic backgrounds, and it’s better to just talk about it rather than worrying about ordering the wrong thing in a restaurant all the time:
“I’ve long ago decided that, rather than vigilantly working against being ‘exposed’ as a formerly poor person, I should just talk about it and try to embrace it, to the extent that I can. This was my life experience, and now it’s woven into my stories just like a year abroad would be, or an interest in Russian literature, or any other formative experience. Sure, it will always make certain people uncomfortable to have to hear about poverty, but you know what? Fuck them. What else are you supposed to do, anyway? Pretend such differences don’t exist? That’s horse manure. Remember, you’re looking for someone who appreciates your background, not someone who judges you for it.”

via ecstvsy
+ You may or may not have already seen “If Fifty Shades of Grey Had Been Written by a Queer Lady, in Haiku,” which is admittedly hilarious, but for the record it makes me kind of sad that a “queer lady take” on what is supposed to be heterosexual smut (regardless of the quality) is basically about cats and knitting and macaroni sculptures and that the two poems that involve sex are “Fifty Shades of OK” (because respecting boundaries can’t be hot I guess?) and “Fifty Shades of Hey Girl Hey” (which involves a dude). #sexeditorfeelings
+ It’s okay to worry about not being seen as imaginative in bed, as long as there are things you actually want to explore as opposed to things you just think you should:
“Partnered sex takes place between two or more people, making it a collaborative sort of activity. This means that the highly subjective desires of your partners and their definitions of ‘imaginative’ and ‘passé’ are the only desires and definitions other than your own to concern yourself with. What I’m saying here is that it doesn’t matter what is en vogue with the fresh-out-of-college kids these days, unless you’re having sex with one of them.
Furthermore, differing opinions on what’s new and inventive aren’t necessarily a mood-killer. There’s something wonderful about being part of a lover experiencing something for the first time — helping them explore a desire, or watching them stumble onto something that both feels good and surprises them. That vicarious newness is still a kind of newness.”

via xfemmexbutchx
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
revenge porn and fifty shades of grey, why do these things exist?
I never thought a Gameboy could be so sexy…o_O
YOU GUYS okay so I may be extremely drunk right now because of brunch and bottomless bloody marys but I have been informed that last night when I was also drunk as hell (because hashtag yolo) I found the frattiest guy in the bar and got him to lend me his phone and I went on autostraddle in attempt to educate him. And I have been told that I randomly started crying and when my friend asked me why I was so upset I told her that it was because NSFW lesbosexy sunday wasn’t up yet.. so apparently y’all are even more important to me than I was aware of! Sooooo thank you for being fantastic! Okay I’m gooing to go eat some bread or something now have a good night!!! xoxo gossip girl or whateve
Thank YOU for being fantastic! I hope your hangover was/is non-existent.
My favorite take yet on 50 Shades is Laurie Penny’s Fifty Shades of Socialist Feminism.